
  • BassHog
    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    I am currently on my third LMS-480 and they all have suffered the same problem….After running the unit for a couple weeks each unit will display the message ‘gps module not responding’. I am unsure of why this would happen because they work awesome for several trips but then all of a sudden they will stop working. Does anyone have any ideas of what could possibly be wrong? I called Lowrance and they believe it is a defective antenna and I would need to send it in for replacement (1 month wait). Help!

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Check your connections and or extension cord to the module, look for any bare wires that could short. What kind of mount and placement could cause a problem if it’s taking a pounding.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    So far, everyone I’ve talked to that had the “GPS not responding” message had failed to connect the power properly but I can’t imagine Lowrance would not have discussed that with you already. Please tell me they spoke to you about the wiring already???

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I have never had one problem with my GPS on the 480.Always worked great for me.My issue has been with the sonar “locking up”,finally got my update from Lowrance and will address that issue today.
    Ryan Hale

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    As above, my 25 cents goes to the GPS anntena power connection. If your still haveing problems, shoot me a pm…

    PS…I don’t know all the details, but boat manufacturers are working towards the sonar units being the disply/computer in serviceing boats and motors. This is why there is power going to the GPS annenta on newer units. Also the extra “end” on the anntena cables.

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 138

    Same thing happened to a buddy of mine and it turned out to be the gps power cable.

    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    Spoke with Lowrance….they are suspecting that it is the GPS antenna. Whether or not it is or not, I will find out when I get it.

    Thanks for all the input

    SE MN
    Posts: 25

    has anybody had trouble with the lms-480 sonar locking up? mine seems to at least several times an outing. i’ve only owned it for a couple of weeks. thanks

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    I have a LCX-16ci that locks up when in sonar mode, never locks up in GPS mode. Hmmmmm??? Do I see a pattern forming here?

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 138


    has anybody had trouble with the lms-480 sonar locking up? mine seems to at least several times an outing. i’ve only owned it for a couple of weeks. thanks

    J. Harm:
    This is a well-known problem. The unit locks up in shallow water. Go to the Lowrance website and download the critical software update for the unit, or if you don’t have a card reader call Lowrance 800-324-1356 and ask them to send you one (they will probably ask that you send the card back). The upgrade takes 5 minutes and you’ll never have another problem. Be certain to ask about the antenna cable as well. Mine had to be replaced.

    SE MN
    Posts: 25

    brunn, thanks for the info. i called lowrance and they said the update is in the mail. they also said that most of the gps not responding problems were due to improper installation due to a vague manual. thanks.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    they also said that most of the gps not responding problems were due to improper installation due to a vague manual.

    It’s true…but somehow it struck my funny bone.

    The update will fix your problem and I have to tell you the 480 and the 330c are great machines….. once you get the patch in them….

    I would think by now all the units would have the update in them by now… must have had a lot in the warehouse.

    I would like to put one up against a Garmin…side by side just to see what the differance is….

    Posts: 3

    I too have the LMS-480 and think it is great. Like most of you here I too had the sonar locking issue and “GPS Module Not Responding” error. I’ll tell you from experience with the error that your unit is most likely FINE. Here is what Lowrance told me to do which worked twice. (I’ve never had to sent unit back). The receiver is on a separate power supply than the unit. The receiver, therefore, does not turn off when the unit is off. Sometimes the receiver needs rebooting. Unfortunately the engineers at Lowrance did not put a button or something on the receiver antennae to do this automatically so you have to remove the power wire for 3 minutes then reconnect it. It is the red wire labeled NMEA-2000 according to them. I located wire, pulled hair out trying to figure out how to unhook it and then get it hooked back up so a case of the smarts hit me and I just unhooked everything from the battery. This fixed it both times. Most likely that is all that you need to do. Other than this mild nuissance the unit is superb and I haven’t had any additional issues with it after patching the software. I am ready next time for the receiver error though. I bought a $4 toggle switch from Wal-Mart and mouted it under the dash for the reciever so rebooting it is now just a flip of a switch.

    Good luck

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