22 seconds To HELP my Motor!

  • haywood04
    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I have a 1997 Johnson 130.
    As you will be able so see in the video, when I throttle it up (normally for the first time) It will have a missing or as if it is not firing on all cylinders, It is carbureted. If I shut it down and then restart (sometimes takes more than one try) it will run normally. Any thoughts on what the issue could be? After the first time often I get through the rest of the day and it is fine?
    Here is the 22 second Video: 1997 Johnson Motor

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    I had the same trouble
    I had a small hole in a fuel line before the fuel filter
    I replaced all lines myself and never had the trouble again
    NAPA said it was from “corn fuel” eating the lines

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I did that not long ago, so Not sure?
    It sounds more electrical to me, but ???

    Posts: 410

    Check the plugs. Look for one that ts dirtier or cleaner then the rest. Then after you find that out. With all plugs out of the motor and help from a friend. A few beers should cover. One at a time check for spark. If all have good spark its in the carb

    Jeff Matura
    Sumner, IA
    Posts: 238

    I beleive you have an intermittent ignition problem, most likely an ignition coil. It warms up and then starts working. This was my exact problem on a merc 115.

    When it is missing shut of the key switch and put into neutral at the same time. Then look for the wettest spark plug. Should be the corresponding ignition coil with a problem.

    Posts: 120

    My 95 50 hp did the same only when cold then eventually died all together it was the power pack

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