Water Pump

  • smithkeith
    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    So how often do you replace the water pump? Mine has been 5 years. Always keep in eye on it but noticed lately there will be times it is not a steady stream.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    You are due or past due for replacement. Depends on just how much silt is in the water you run in but I replace on average every two or three years.

    Captain Live2fish
    Hayfield, MN
    Posts: 120

    My thoughts is a water pump kit is cheap compared to a new motor. Frequency is based on the water quality you run in. Also replace with the water pump kit and not just the impellor. Diffently worth your time and money. Hope it helps.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    What about the timing belt? See it also should be replaced?

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