kickers- long shaft vs extra long shaft

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Here’s the deal- I have my eyes on a kicker that is exactly what I’m after (power trim, electric start, Yamaha), but it has an extra long shaft, which I believe is 25″ as opposed to 20. Besides looking weird, what other reasons would I NOT want a 25″ shaft? My main worry is it spooking fish when I’m fishing in shallow water. It’s only 5 more inches, but I’m still worried. Look forward to your thoughts.

    50 min from the river
    Posts: 125

    Yes 5″ more. That’s it

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    Yup 5″ more, but some boats require that extra length to operate.

    Posts: 216

    One problem might be that it wont tilt up far enough and you get e rooster tail from it draging in the water on plane other wise the extra 5 wont bother the fish.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I agree on that problem with the rooster tail. A lot rests on the shape of the transom and the shaft length of your main motor. I take it you have a long shaft main engine or an extra long shaft main engine with a straight transom. Either of these situations would be a problem for getting the engine out of the water enough. Perhaps you could mount a transom extension plate for the kicker–then again it would look weird mounted that way.

    Posts: 756

    I have Skeeter wx2100. I have the Yamaha 9.9 extra long shaft. Trims up and out of the way no problem. Mounted right on the factory transom.

    Posts: 496


    One problem might be that it wont tilt up far enough and you get e rooster tail from it draging in the water on plane other wise the extra 5 wont bother the fish.

    What he said!!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Good call on the rooster tail; that’s exactly an example of something I didn’t think about and a reason I posed this question. I have a Crestliner 182 Tourament, and it does ride low in the water. Once I get on plane though, I seem to be fine with the 20″ kicker I have now. But I’m really wondering about that extra 5″ now. Other than the longer shaft, this kicker is everything I want. Damn.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    What transom do you have? 20 inch transom, 20 inch shaft kicker. 25 inch transom, 25 inch shaft kicker. 25 inch shaft will drag in the water while on plane on a 20 inch transom

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