Ok. So I’m out of the loop on today’s electronics. The old man bought a Tracker boat last spring. He got a gift card from Bass Pro he needs to use. I suggested he get a graph that integrates with this Ipilot trolling motor. He turned to me an gave me that look, you know the one where he can barely send a text on this smart phone look.
So my mission. Figure out what unit I should recommend to him. He has $500.00 to spend but would be willing to go just a little more if necessary.
Does he need special interface cables on top of the graph? Keep in mind, he will want depth more than anything. I think I can teach him how to use the spot lock feature. Otherwise, he’s as rookie as they come and probably not willing to spend much time “learning” the unit. They are on information overload right now just trying to understand all the different tactics of walleye fishing.