i am looking at upgrading my sonar to SI, i currently have DI, my question is SI worth the extra money, i fish 99% of the time in rivers for catfish and sturgeon.
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is side imaging worth it
February 10, 2014 at 11:29 am #1387509
Well I was talked out of it at the time of buying the boat and having fished with people that have them they are great and I would do SI and DI with maps. Thats my recommendation!
February 10, 2014 at 11:54 am #1387516I definitely think so! For finding sunken structure it’s invaluable. I would imagine you’re looking for logs and what not? I would say if you’re trying to locate actual fish, the SI is more usable in larger display units. My 798 does a good job of finding structure (logs, rocks, weeds, etc.) but I have a hard time distinguising fish with the smaller screen. The other side to the coin is that the HB SI units don’t have the greatest detail in their DI. The deciated DI units do great from what I’ve heard, but the SI unit’s DI is not that great, which is why I find myself using SI more often than DI. However, the sweeping of the bottom lets a guy eliminate alot of water in a hurry.
February 10, 2014 at 12:37 pm #1387533I find my side imaging unit to be worth every dime. However, I don’t think that its that useful to every angler. If you are looking to actively search for new/existing structure then yes SI is a game changer. To guys who wont take time to locate and search for potential spots, its not worth the money in my opinion.
February 10, 2014 at 1:15 pm #1387547Quote:
i am looking at upgrading my sonar to SI, i currently have DI, my question is SI worth the extra money, i fish 99% of the time in rivers for catfish and sturgeon.
You wasted your money on the di.
You’ll love si fishing for cats and sturgeon!That’s a purchase I’ve never regretted or contemplated selling!
February 10, 2014 at 5:30 pm #1387619Question for the sturgeon guys using si.
Do you guys regularly mark sturgeon on the si? Does to make covering water looking for fish easier?
Ok, so it was 2 questions.
February 12, 2014 at 9:13 am #1388065after some input here and from others i fish with, i think a 998 will be having a new home.
castle-rock-clownPosts: 2596February 12, 2014 at 12:50 pm #1388138If your going that route I believe you can trade the stock in package transducer to the better one. It must be done before your either mount or use the stock one. I’ve heard others recommend this, i , myself can not personally attest to this. Stock # is xnt 9si 180t upgrade is xhs 9 hdsi 180t.
February 12, 2014 at 3:45 pm #1388185Quote:
If your going that route I believe you can trade the stock in package transducer to the better one. It must be done before your either mount or use the stock one. I’ve heard others recommend this, i , myself can not personally attest to this. Stock # is xnt 9si 180t upgrade is xhs 9 hdsi 180t.
The 998HDciSI comes with the 200, 83, 455, 800 KHZ transducer the new 999 will come with the compact scan transducer 200, 83, 455.
castle-rock-clownPosts: 2596February 12, 2014 at 4:49 pm #1388196Thanks Tom, my dyslexia struck again. I read 898, not 998 which comes with the higher grade transducer. I’ll go back in my hole now and pay my penance.
reddogPosts: 815February 13, 2014 at 8:08 pm #1388561Quote:
If your going that route I believe you can trade the stock in package transducer to the better one. It must be done before your either mount or use the stock one. I’ve heard others recommend this, i , myself can not personally attest to this. Stock # is xnt 9si 180t upgrade is xhs 9 hdsi 180t.
The 998HDciSI comes with the 200, 83, 455, 800 KHZ transducer the new 999 will come with the compact scan transducer 200, 83, 455.
The 999 comes with the 200/83/455/800 transducer… Its the 899 that comes with the compact transducer, that doesnt have 800 khz.
For the person asking about sturgeon, these arent sturgeon, but the are paddlefish about 60 inches long. One with the grey color pallete and one with the inverse color.
I would think that SI would be very helpful in locating your target.
February 14, 2014 at 8:30 am #1388652OoOppps my bad Reddog is right the 898 comes with compact sidescan, and the 999 comes with 83, 200, 455, 800, KHZ transducer.
February 14, 2014 at 9:50 am #1388671Quote:
Question for the sturgeon guys using si.
Do you guys regularly mark sturgeon on the si? Does to make covering water looking for fish easier?
Ok, so it was 2 questions.
castle-rock-clownPosts: 2596February 16, 2014 at 8:33 am #1389072Quote:
im confused, does my 998 come with the good ducer or not?
The 800 KZ transducer is for shallow water, but I don`t think I have use my 800KZ more then a couple of times.
I do find my self now doing a whole lot more searching for fish with SI…It comes down to why fish where there isn`t any. That is tough for me as I was always taught you can`t catch fish if your line in not in the water.
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