old finder died this weekend. which finder would you guys buy in the $200 – $300 range? any help or advice would will make my choice easier.
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Which depthfinder?
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073July 5, 2004 at 2:05 pm #311220Check out the Garmin 250, the price should fall in around 230.00. Very user friendly unit. You can also find some good sale prices on Garmin 240’s. Check Wade out at http://www.jollyannsales.com
July 5, 2004 at 2:16 pm #311222I’d buy a cheapo one, and save a bit more up and add a flasher… Or I’d wait save some more, and pick up a color one, maybe one of those vexlar edge, the ones that are on sale right now, personally. I have an X-51, on my boat, it works ok, but a flasher IMO removes all doubt, if there is fish, you can see them, not always so with the X-51. For me the X-51 is just a depth indicator, not really a fish finder for say. I wish I’d just stuck with my Fish128 and saved the $, or spent the $ for a bigger/better unit.
July 6, 2004 at 12:09 am #311277I know I sound like I work for Wade…but, when you get straight talk…I like to share it…
Check out prices and give ‘ol Wade a call at Jolly Ann Marine. Sorry is one thing you won’t be. He’s also up to date on all the currant models.One thing to keep in mind with any electronics, when they go on sale…that means the model will be discontinued or upgraded…
If you can swing it…maybe just by waiting a little longer, I would recommend spending a little more than what your planning on as MN RST Rider suggested. But budgets are budgets
July 6, 2004 at 12:18 am #311278Thanks for all the input guys! now I have something to think about. I am planning to upgrade boats next year,so any info on that would be great. oh by the way, looking for something on the order of 1775 lund console, but any make that is simalar is considered.
Posts: 87July 8, 2004 at 1:00 pm #311717If your going to upgrade your boat next year it doesnt matter what you put on it as long as it shows the bottom and the depth.find one in your price range.
July 8, 2004 at 2:22 pm #311734Dobber, I hope I can save you from the mistake alot of guys make when buying a new boat. I see it every year, people will spend $10-20k or more on a nice fishing rig and they have a $99 locator. You get what you pay for when buying a locator. If marking fish is important to you, save up and spend a little more, you wont regret it. I get e-mails all the time asking what locator to get. I use the Vexilar Edge which will run you around $700(tax free if you order from Jolly Ann) most guys will say, “I only fish on weekends so I cant justify spending that much” Too me, thats more the reason to invest into your electronics, make every minute on the water as productive as it can be.
July 8, 2004 at 3:42 pm #311762
If your going to upgrade your boat next year it doesnt matter what you put on it as long as it shows the bottom and the depth.find one in your price range.
I assume JDM means you can get a good sonar when you get the new boat??? In any event, there are a lot of units to choose from and most are pretty good. Derek mentioned the Vexilar Edge and that is a top-of-the-line sonar unit. Like Derek said, it gets a little spendy but it may be worth it to you. If you’re looking to spend less, take a look at the Lowrance x135 or the Garmin 250. For color units, see the Lowrance x100c, the Garmin 250c, or the new Raymarine DS400x. Not too many mid-westerners pay attention to Raymarine but that new DS color series with HDFI technology is probably the best new color unit on the market.
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