I am a 1994 Stratos 284 with a 1994 Evinrude Intruder and lately the motor has been running like crap, let me explain…..The ball on the fuel line is always soft and needs to be pumped before start up. That led me to believe there was a leak or I had a bad ball. So I replaced all the hosing and put a new ball on and still it did the same thing. I then put in clear plastic tubing for the fuel line to see if there were any bubbles but there wasn’t. I was kinda stumped at this point so I just decided to put new plugs in and clean the fuel filter and that helped a little but didn’t solve the problem. Does anyone have any other ideas?? Also, one thing that I have noticed is that when it is hot and sunny out it is more prone to run bad…I don’t know if that is quincidental (sp) or actually means something.