I have been very pleased with my x-15’s that I run on my boat. Both of these units I use for sonar only as I have a Global Map 3000 for my GPS uses. The detail this unit offers in deep water is the best that I have seen. I fish for alot of suspended walleyes throughout the open water season and having the ability to pick out bait fish from predators is a must in this style of fishing.
Also, detecting hard to soft bottom transitions have never been easier than they have now with the power and clear 350 x 480 pixel readout that this unit delivers.
I just recently tried to do an update on one of my older x-15’s and the unit would not respond to the MMC for the update. After I powered the unit back up after the update, the unit said it was “corrupt”. I called Lowrance and told thme about this, they sent me out a new unit within a weeks time. Only thing I would reccomend would be to stay up to date with the upgrades found on http://www.lowrance.com site!