My wife bought a new vehicle last night and it has a locking nut on each wheel. The regular ones and the key were in the glove box. I have never heard of anyone getting wheels stolen and I would rather all 5 lug nuts look the same. Any good reason(s) not to take the locking lugs off and discard along with the key? Thanks
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Outdoor Gear Forum » Do people steal wheels?
Do people steal wheels?
Tom SawvellInactivePosts: 9559August 14, 2013 at 7:02 pm #1189550
What don’t people steal?? Yes they steal wheels too
Wallster ><((((>August 14, 2013 at 7:16 pm #1189552Good thing you don’t live in Illinois. They also take the doors and radios. Broad Daylight. Company parking lot. Been there.
For anyone getting an aftermaket car alarm: Oversized chains and pop machine padlocks on the hood aren’t enough. Give the installer your best friend’s correct name, address or phone number…and don’t automatically trust dealer people.
Third tip: Don’t park a vehicle with for sale sign on most city streets or park a trailer more than 24 hours within a car length of the same spot. If your spot is highly visible from your house that’s no guarantee things will be there in the morning.
August 14, 2013 at 7:36 pm #1189556I believe you guys and will probably keep them in as a result but I don’t understand why I need them for the first time in my life when I have never had a wheel stolen or know anybody that has.
hunter1723Posts: 349August 14, 2013 at 7:49 pm #1189562If you do take them off, replace one of each and every trailer wheel with a locking ie boat, ice shack, utlity trialer and spares.
Those are the ones I really worry about, especially the spare hanging by a couple 3 lug nuts and are new Goodyear MarathonsAugust 14, 2013 at 7:50 pm #1189563Quote:
Why is the sky blue?
I think you are oversimplifying. Sure anything can be stolen but putting special locks on everything sure isn’t the norm in my sky blue world.
August 14, 2013 at 8:12 pm #1189574My cousin in south Minneapolis woke up one day this spring to find his truck sitting on the neighbors landscaping stones. The tires themselves didn’t have rims and weren’t all that flashy. Anyway, he reported it and the police said its a normal thing.
August 14, 2013 at 8:14 pm #1189575I know one thing. The locking hubs will remain.
Thieving #*)$&($* Thanks for all the uplifting info guys!
August 14, 2013 at 8:15 pm #1189576I’ve seen a row of cars and trucks have all the wheels stripped at a car dealership years ago…. I think it was like 16 vehicles, all on blocks of wood, or sitting just on the ground…. no wheels. Guessing times are even more conducive to these thefts now…. without locks in particular. Price a performance tire… without the wheel and you’ll see all the incentive a thief needs. Heck they rob a gas station at gun point for a hundred bucks.
August 14, 2013 at 8:31 pm #1189578You better believe that someone will take your wheels given the chance. After all, it is brazen of you to publically show off someone else’s tires.
PB2Posts: 331August 14, 2013 at 8:34 pm #1189579Quote:
Times have changed.
Times havn’t changed at all people have been stealing and killing people for 100’s of years.
It just gets more promotion and is much more easily delivered to the mass’s in todays tech age.
I actually believe the world has never been better and feel sorry for the brainwashed danny downer doomsayers these days!…August 14, 2013 at 8:46 pm #1189584Yes, the scum will steal anything not locked down.
I had a brand new spare stolen from under my Jimmy, the pukes cut the cable to steal it so I got to buy the new hoist assembly, new tire and new rim.hunter1723Posts: 349August 14, 2013 at 8:57 pm #1189588People steal anything now days. Anything that has any worth at all gets stolen, so I see it being a redundant question and can sympathise with you and don’t picture that being “america”, but son open your eyes, this is the new america unfortunately!
August 14, 2013 at 9:02 pm #1189589I got done fishing on Bald Eagle years ago and backed the trailer in the water and drove the boat on and someone had stolen the strap off my winch!
August 14, 2013 at 9:44 pm #1189597Have a friend in Fargo that has a neighbor across the street that had a wheel stolen of his mini van in his garage during the middle of the day!
August 14, 2013 at 9:50 pm #1189600Quote:
Have a friend in Fargo that has a neighbor across the street that had a wheel stolen of his mini van in his garage during the middle of the day!
Stop it you guys! You got me thinking of putting them on every wheel I own now!!!
August 15, 2013 at 12:03 am #1189629We had the company minivan left on blocks in Hudson last year. It was an old dodge caravan with so so tires on it. They will take what they need. The scum of the earth they are!!!
nhammInactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348August 15, 2013 at 1:12 am #1189645I know of three people in last year who had their wheels stolen. This is inner city of course but let’s be honest the rift raft is moving to all suburbs nowadays with all the wonderful gov. assistance so in short, leave the locks on.
August 15, 2013 at 2:12 am #1189656Jez someone’s got to do it, might as well be me…..
Isn’t YouTube great!?
reddogPosts: 815August 16, 2013 at 3:28 am #1189868I got my LED lights stolen off my new Skeeter last month at a boat ramp in SD. They left the wheels though.
castle-rock-clownPosts: 2596August 18, 2013 at 8:16 pm #1190223Quote:
Times have changed.
Times havn’t changed at all people have been stealing and killing people for 100’s of years.
It just gets more promotion and is much more easily delivered to the mass’s in todays tech age.
I actually believe the world has never been better and feel sorry for the brainwashed danny downer doomsayers these days!…
They stole my bicycle right out of my garage in broad daylight…about 45 years ago. I lived on a dead end street in the suburbs. PB2, don’t you mean 1000’s of years?
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