Sufix 832 Advanced 18# Lead Core – Review update

  • Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    In my initial review of this new brand of lead core line, a significant and catastrophic issue surfaced.
    Several other Sufix Advanced 832 lead core users also experienced this same problem, which was twist in the line. End result, shards of lead would break and poke through the sheath weakening it considerably.

    I myself and many if not most other regular lead core users had always tied our leaders directly to the lead core and this is where the problem was said to originate. Things happen once you deploy you lure out behind the boat. Baits tick bottom, smack logs & rocks, pick up weeds, and especially when not tuned properly, tangle with other lines. All of which can cause a lure to spin. I have seen tangled lines and weeds picked up on the hooks of lures both cause severe spinning. In this case, spinning lures are extremely bad when tying leaders directly to the lead core.

    The issue was said to be curable by adding a swivel between the lead core & the leader. I might add that the first person to mention the proper fix was “roadhunter”. He of 22 post on IDO at the time, called it correctly. I myself had doubts as I saw damage 2 colors down into my spool.

    Since that time, I had new lead core provided to me free of charge by Rapala. (Normark Company)
    As a matter of fact, they replaced it so quickly, I was able to re-spool three lines and continue to stay on top of what may be the best late spring bite we’ve ever seen on Lake Wisconsin.

    I did the initial review after using Sufix 832 Advanced lead core for three full days. (30 hrs on the water)
    The newly re-spooled lead core has now been used on my last seven guide trips consisting of one full day trip & six half day trips. Full day trips are 10hrs and half day trips are 5hrs so this new line now has 40hrs on the water. Granted, not every minute was spent with lead core in the water but trolling lead core was used 90% of the time on every one of those trips.

    Results using a swivel between the leader & the lead core:
    The Sufix 832 Advanced lead core line for the most part is still in pretty good shape. I did lose one full color off one of the lines but I can’t blame Sufix for that.
    What happened is the swivel flipped over and became wrapped in the lead core, basically making it a leader without a swivel. Note to self: check the lines frequently!

    Will I consider this line to be a good value for its price? ($29.99 per 100yds or 18lb test)

    Tough question! The old lead core we ran was some pretty durable stuff and in the end, I imagine that’s what most of us will end up comparing it to. It wasn’t uncommon to run the old stuff for a year or more before it needed to be replaced. I’m not so sure this new Advanced lead core is going to make it that long before replacement becomes necessary.

    But….on the other hand, this new Advanced lead core has some very unique advantages that someone who uses it a lot, can get used to pretty quickly.
    With a sink rate of 7’ per color, you can get a lure down to 15’ with only slightly more than two colors behind the boat, (65′) where as the old lead core, required almost another full color to do that. (90’)

    Let’s break some of the advantages down a little further.
    Full day of trolling crank baits with lead core = 10hrs
    Total fish caught from 15’ deep = 40
    Sufix Advanced lead core behind the boat = 65’
    Regular lead core behind the boat – 90’
    Difference in line reeled in and let out per fish caught = 50’
    Difference in line reeled in and let out for 40 fish = 2,000’

    And that’s not even counting all the times you reel in and out just changing baits or cleaning lures or just to take a look at your lure because it’s not vibrating anymore.
    2,000 feet…….are you serious! What if you were catching walleyes in 20’ of water?

    As a guide or especially if you’re a tournament angler, can you really afford not to use this stuff?
    That’s one heck of an advantage you’re giving the rest of the field.

    The last thing I want to talk about concerning this new lead core is knots. Knots were always somewhat of a hassle and everyone had their favorite when it came to joining lead core & leaders.
    Guess what? You may find yourself looking for a new knot once you decide to make the switch to Sufix Advanced lead core line. At least I did.

    Always a fan of the Albright or Willis knot, I’ve learned the hard way that neither of these is not the knot I’ll be using with the new Advance lead core line. No, I didn’t lose a big one and neither did a client. I did however spend more than an hour trying to retie lines one Saturday night last week before the light went off in my head.
    Trying to remove the lead from the sheath on used Sufix Advanced lead core is something you need to experience before you can fully understand what you’re up against.
    The lead core knot I’m now using is the simplest knot I’ve ever known. That simple knot is now what I’m using 100% of the time when it comes to Sufix Advanced lead core line.

    Fold 4″ of the tag end back over itself. Tie and overhand knot creating a loop. Trim the tag end. Thread the tip of the loop thru a swivel, then loop it around and pull the swivel thru the loop. Cinch it tight.(not a palomar)
    No need to remove the lead. Simple to tie, works great and it’s very strong!

    No doubt as more of us begin using Sufix Advanced lead core, more will be learned about it and shared with other anglers.

    I do think Sufix has some room to improve this product. Especially concerning the alloy of the lead.
    But like many other new products, I think this is only the beginning and this line will keep getting better.

    I’m hoping the durability of this new line is somewhat close to the old lead core but even if it isn’t, after using it for a month, it’s going to be extremely hard to give up and go back to the old stuff when it comes to walleye fishing.

    Picture – our biggest walleye to date using Sufix Advanced 832 lead core. Caught on a Perigrine 4′ shorty rod by Luke Johnson.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Good info, Joel. Appreciate the update.

    Cottage Grove MN
    Posts: 283

    Nice review

    I have has this same lead core line for over a year on my 2 fishing poles and so far it seems great. This type of fishing is new to me and I have had it in some pretty thought situations and broke some off, but never had a twisting issue but I’ve always tied a good quality small swivel to a mono leader.

    Altoona, WI
    Posts: 132


    Thanks for the info. I was going to pick some up today, but didn’t get there so it’s on tomorrow’s to-do list. My question is regarding the 18# line vs. the 12# line. I thought I read somewhere that this line is like 30% stronger and you could get away with 12# and have similar performance to the old line in 18#. Any thoughts on using the 12# line? I looked at the reviews on Cabela’s site for this line and there were only three reviews and two of them mentioned the same issue you described and rated it low.

    I was thinking about going with 12#, but now may need to rethink this decision.


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    If it were me, I would stick with the 18# Sufix Advanced lead core.

    Spirit Lake, IA
    Posts: 124

    Is this knot just half of the surgeon’s loop knot? turn through the loop instead of two and then cinch down tight to the swivel?

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 370

    I’ve been using the #12 for over a year now. I haven’t had the same problems with the lead poking through the sheath as others but I’ve used a swivel since day one. I use mono for my leader because my rods are a little stiffer then I’d like so I use if for the shock absorbtion. When I used to tie direct to the lead with the older leadcore I’d have a lot of line twist. I didn’t see the same line twist with braid for a leader. And one other plus is I have all ten colors on a size 27 Daiwa. Hope this helps.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    Is this knot just half of the surgeon’s loop knot? turn through the loop instead of two and then cinch down tight to the swivel?

    I went and looked at an animated version of the Surgeon’s Knot to be sure but yes, a surgeons knot with only one wrap is exactly what I would call and overhand knot.

    Spirit Lake, IA
    Posts: 124

    Thanks Joel, thats what I thought, just thought I would check and make sure. I will use that. I have been stripping the lead out of the 832 and using a Trilene knot to tie to the swivel and it is a pain getting the lead out.:)

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    What size and kind of swivel are you guys using? just a plan barrel swivel or can you use a snap swivel?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    What size and kind of swivel are you guys using? just a plan barrel swivel or can you use a snap swivel?

    I’ve been using the SPRO power swivels and haven’t had any issues. The smaller ones go through the rod eyes well enough to not cause too much of an issue other than if you don’t pay attention when letting it out it can catch and cause a bird nest.

    SPRO power swivels

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Thanks thats a good idea, I was thinking I was only going to be able to run a 8 ft leader or so because of the swivel getting in the way. Ill have to find one thats small enough so I can run a longer lead.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    In my experience the swivel doesn’t have to be right at the joint between the lead core and leader to be effective. I run 30′ leaders and all I do is run a swivel 6′ up from the lure. It does the job that needs doing, I can run long leaders without reeling the swivel through the eyes of the rod and I’m not seeing any issues with the lead core.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    In my experience the swivel doesn’t have to be right at the joint between the lead core and leader to be effective. I run 30′ leaders and all I do is run a swivel 6′ up from the lure. It does the job that needs doing, I can run long leaders without reeling the swivel through the eyes of the rod and I’m not seeing any issues with the lead core.

    I am basically doing the same as James. I go from the leadcore to a 30 foot 30# Fluorocarbon leader, then swivel, then 6 foot 20# leader. I try to never reel the swivel up past the tip, but clients tend to never stop reeling and the swivel usually ends up somewhere in the guides, especially on a 5′ shorty rod.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    Perfect, thanks I would have never thought of that.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Sorry to resurrect an old post, but I am throwing in my 2 cents after almost 2 full seasons of running 832 leadcore. I’ve been running swivels between my lead and leader for 4 seasons, so last spring I did the same when I spooled up with 832. Overall I have been very impressed. I heard stories of line kinking and breaking and I was worried. All last season I never had an issue with any of the 4 reels and that’s after reeling in 100s of Walleyes/saugers/perch per reel. This season I had an issue with one reel in July. We were on Winnibigosh catching 10 small perch to every walleye. The spinning action of multiple foul-hooked perch finally took its toll. I’m not sure if the swivel got plugged up with cotton, but for some reason it didn’t do the job. The leadcore was twisted and lead was poking out of the sheath, but we still ran it and caught some large fish without it breaking. When I got home I filled out the Rapala warranty forms and sent in a sample. Within 2 weeks, I had a new spool at my door. The benefits of the 832 leadcore outweigh any issues I’ve had and I am very happy with Rapala’s customer service.

    John Peterson
    Woodbury, Minnesota
    Posts: 349

    Thanks for posting Fife, much appreciated!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I 100% agree with Fife. The advantages far outweigh any disadvantages. I would not want to be forced to go back to using regular leadcore. The 832 is more sensitive, thinner allowing more leadcore on a smaller reel and dives deeper than regular leadcore at a given length of line. I have 3 year old 832 on some of my reels and it looks fantastic and fishes like the day it came out of the box. But you MUST-MUST-MUST use a high quality barrel swivel to prevent line twist. If you aren’t willing to use the barrel swivel, use another line.

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