Looking for suggestions for a new Swim jig rod. I am think of a G Loomis. Anyone have any experience with a G Loomis for this specific application?
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Looking for suggestions for a new Swim jig rod. I am think of a G Loomis. Anyone have any experience with a G Loomis for this specific application?
Check out Lamiglas. Made in Woodland WA. Right across the road from the old G Loomis factory. They make a pretty nice swim jig rod. Had one for a while but was too beefy for what I wanted to use it for so sold it.
What swim jigs are you planning on throwing, how heavy are you looking at.
I usually use a St. Croix 7′ Med and a 7′ Med Hvy for heavier cover so for G. Loomis I would use a MBR844 and MBR845 respectively.
What swim jigs are you planning on throwing, how heavy are you looking at.
Mostly Leathal Weapon II jigs in 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 oz. weights.
Take a look at the Loomis Mossyback 853C jig n worm. Awesome swim jig rod!
Take a look at the Loomis Mossyback 853C jig n worm. Awesome swim jig rod!
Do you guys have these rods on hand?
For the 1/8 you are looking at a med. Med heavy’s are really too stiff in my opinion for that light of a jig. You don’t get the right motion.
I like long rods too. Softer action I ended up using a 7’6″ IP (inshore popping) series blank for fishing swim jigs. Also doubles as a great crankbait rod.
What swim jigs are you planning on throwing, how heavy are you looking at.
Mostly Leathal Weapon II jigs in 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 oz. weights.
If you are using that light of jigs I am assuming you are throwing them over heavy grass and want to stay on top? If so I would use a MH Fast action rod. You will be able to cast even the 1/8 just fine because since you are fishing above grass/weeds you will be using a trailer with a lot of thump and bulk to make that little jig a big profile. A medium action would likely not have the backbone to pull a bigger fish to the surface and keep him there all the way to the boat.
If you are throwing in open water then I think you need to try a bigger jig.
What swim jigs are you planning on throwing, how heavy are you looking at.
Mostly Leathal Weapon II jigs in 1/8, 3/16, and 1/4 oz. weights.
If you are using that light of jigs I am assuming you are throwing them over heavy grass and want to stay on top? If so I would use a MH Fast action rod. You will be able to cast even the 1/8 just fine because since you are fishing above grass/weeds you will be using a trailer with a lot of thump and bulk to make that little jig a big profile. A medium action would likely not have the backbone to pull a bigger fish to the surface and keep him there all the way to the boat.
If you are throwing in open water then I think you need to try a bigger jig.
The first part of your assessment is correct. Mostly fishing these in cover and some places that people would use frogs.
I would suggest you start with a frog rod and then if you cannot cast it accurately back down a little until you can. All going to be about power fishing in those conditions, similar to throwing a weedless spoon with a frog trailer.
Last thing you want to do is hook a pig in some thick crap and have him dive down and get you stuck. Seen it before with guys in my boat fishing frogs on a M spinning rod.
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