• Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    I have started using the sealine 17LCA for my trolling reels this spring with some mixed results so far. Was wondering who else has been using them and how they are working for you. Maybe even a few pointers to get mine working better.
    The first thing I am wondering about is that when the free spool levers are flipped you still need to back spool the reel a hair with your thumb before it will let out line. Is this normal for these reels? This happens every time I free spool and on each reel.
    The reels also seem to be a little picky with what position the handle is in before you are able to flip the free spool lever. This again has been happening on each reel but but occurs just now and again. Very annoying and a little tricky for someone not familiar with the reel to use.

    Third item is where to get my reels repaired. Broke a reel the other day while trying to get a lure out of a snag. Tightened down the drag on 20# test and started pulling on the line. The reel was the first thing to give. It is in constant free spool now no matter what I do. Not good.
    Other than these problems the reels have been fun to use. Love knowing how much liner is out there when trolling and being able to get the lure right back to that place again and again with confidence. The drags seemed to work reel well and have been able to test them out alot with the rocky snaggy areas I like to troll. It is fun getting used to the line counters. Have had a few times when I free spool one and start working on the second while waiting for the first to get to where I wnat it. Then look back a few minutes later to see that I have not stopped the free spool yet. At least it will let you know there is 500′ of line out there and you dont have to guess about it. Just keep realing.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Common problem with the 17 from the first batch sold. Call Diawa and they will either send you the parts to fix it yourself. (Pretty easy) Or give you the info to send the reels in for fixing or replacing.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 28

    Mike;I also had the same exact expearance,thought it was some thing I was doing.Ended up taking them back to Cabela’s and getting the 27’s next size up ,their a little more bulky but will more than likely last longer. Thats all I got to say about that. Glassman

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 76

    I have two of these reels that I got this spring. I bought the first from Cabalas and after using it bought the second. I couldn’t be more pleased. I use these every week and have not had a bit of trouble.
    The reason for picking this model over the 27 was the size and gear ratio.
    Just my exoerience so far

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    There were problems with the original 17’s that came out. I have 6 of them. Diawa sent us replacement clutches and it takes about 20 minutes to change each one. Even after doing this, I still had a problem with one. I have since returned them for new models. I noticed the sides on the new ones have a deeper or darker gold color. So, if you get a light one, odds are you still got a old model and will no doubt have problems with it eventually.

    The 17’s are a great reel when they work. I have not had any problems with the new ones and I have a lot of hours on them. If you are having problems with them I recommend you exchange them instead of go through the hassle of trying to fix them. Just my 2 cents!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Thanks for the replys.

    Scott. Who did you work thru to get parts and replacement for your reels? I did find a 1 800 number for daiwa but am still waiting for them to open up this morning.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Finely got the problems with my reels straightened out. Hear I had been limping the one usable reel along for the last 3 weeks. Sure is nice to be fishing with working reels again.
    Tackle Outlet in champlin had no problem exchanging them for me yesterday. I was very happy with that. The new ones did have a little different color on the sides. Hope these are the good ones.
    Hear Diawa wanted me to send them to the west coast and then would let me know in 6 weeks what was going on.
    Thanks Joe and Duane. Anouther happy customer. I also put them to the test last night by boating about a dozen eyes on each one on pool 2

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