We bought one a couple of years back, it was from Sam’s Club and worked well, but I learned a couple of things I wish I’d known.
1. To really keep the sun out, you need some kind of side curtain because a lot of times the sun isn’t right above you, it’s coming in at an angle. We solved this problem with a light blanket and some of those spring loaded clamps, but since then I’ve seen models that have a drop down side curtain. Very handy when the sun angle gets low.
2. Buy one that’s bigger than you think you need. I wish I had gotten the next size up, especially if you’re going to use it as a rain shelter too.
3. Wind. Not good. Sadly, Mrs Grouse used ours to shade the kiddie pool and forgot it out in the back yard one night. And a thunderstorm came along and tied it in a triple Trilene knot with a double twist around a boxelder tree in the neighbor’s yard. I had to use the Jaws of Life and cut the damn thing off of there.
Wind. No good.