Hey guys, I have a buddy that has a 2001 115 four stroke Merc. that he bought and he is looking for a spare prop for it. Where is the best place to get one and what pitch would he be looking for?

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Hey guys, I have a buddy that has a 2001 115 four stroke Merc. that he bought and he is looking for a spare prop for it. Where is the best place to get one and what pitch would he be looking for?
I’d suggest a 17/18 pitch 4 blade stainless for that on fishing boat for great combination of handling and performance, but without more details best to try a few to see what works best on your setup & many places around that handle those.
Is he happy with his current performance? If so, look at the prop for size and manufacturer. By looking on line you should be able to locate a dealer.
Check out Tims Outboard of Hackensack.. they had a craigslist post about a week ago saying they have all different props new, used, or repaired. Seems like hes got some good deals on the prop i needed. I know they offered to ship the prop to me, but im not sure how much they charged for that.
I run a trophy 175 with a 115 4 stroke and I just put a 17 pitch Merc Spitfire 4 balde prop on it. It has great hole shot and I am still getting 40+ for speed. After talking with my mechanic and trying a few different stainless props he suggested I try the spitfire.
I run a trophy 175 with a 115 4 stroke and I just put a 17 pitch Merc Spitfire 4 balde prop on it. It has great hole shot and I am still getting 40+ for speed. After talking with my mechanic and trying a few different stainless props he suggested I try the spitfire.
85Lund If you are running a 4 blade prop vs a 3 blade do you use more gas with the 4 blade or does it not make a different?
I run a trophy 175 with a 115 4 stroke and I just put a 17 pitch Merc Spitfire 4 balde prop on it. It has great hole shot and I am still getting 40+ for speed. After talking with my mechanic and trying a few different stainless props he suggested I try the spitfire.
85Lund If you are running a 4 blade prop vs a 3 blade do you use more gas with the 4 blade or does it not make a different?
My motor is pretty easy on gas so I didnt see much of a difference between the 3 blade stainless, 3 blade aluminum or the 4 blade aluminum. The one thing I did see was that it got me on plane much quicker and held me up much better at higher speeds. I was having a porpusing issue which the 4 blade seemed to resolve.
The real reason for the porpusing is because my boat is under powered which I can accept because I got a heck of a deal on it compared to buying new.
To avoid guess work, have the following information:
Boat – style/make hull design
Engine Make/HP
Weight: Boat, engine, tank of gas, 3/4 full live well if in there, gear, and on average how many people (weight)
Then call John at
D.A.H. Custom Pro-pellers
34111 Washington Ave.
Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 USA
John or Jeff Janaky
phone (262) 534-4440
John will get you dialed into exactly where you need to be with blade design and pitch. I know your not looking for custom prop work, but he will still let you know where to start. He does all my custom work on my props and the investment really pays for itself. Besides picking up the extra MPH and maintaining a good hole shot, I also get a noticeable improvement on fuel efficiency. The guys that can calculate all the little details in the rake/pitch/cupping…..
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