Hey guys. In the next month or so I’ll be buying a canoe for my son (age 12) and I. I’m looking to spend about $300 to $500. Probably 14 to 16 foot. I live in southern MN and we’d primarily use it to fish small pounds/streams. And maybe some Mississippi backwater areas. Probably one with a flat back to we could maybe someday put a trolling motor on, too. And probably need one that can transport 3 people (for the times when my daughter, 10, comes along).
So…I’ve looked at Dick’s, and they’ve got 2 basic choices in my price range. A Coleman canoe and and Old Town canoe. Beyond that, I don’t know much about what’s considered “good” in that price range. And not sure if I should aim for a certain width for stability etc. Any advice?
The other question…what’s a good way to transport a canoe with a Ford F150 pick-up? I can’t really just stick it out the back end. I’ve heard there’s some hitch attachment you can get that sticks up and allows you to rest canoe on that? And then i assume you strap the other end on top of the cab somehow.
Thanks for any advice, guys.