225 Merc Opti opinions

  • carver
    West Metro
    Posts: 611

    found a used boat that has a 2002 merc opti on it. What I was told it has about 870 hours on it and was not the ones that major issues.

    The only concern I would have is a compression test on the motor, should I have any more concerns…or should I just walk away from the deal due to the bad year.

    Posts: 149

    Once you go black you might not get back….I have a 08 opt 115. limped back in protect mode twice, and towed back once. coils go bad. ask it they have been replaced

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 412

    The main problem with the early 2000 – 2002 Opti’s was bad air injectors. I would ask if they were replaced. A friend of mine has a 2001 Ranger 620 with 225 Opti and I always tell him he owned the only one that didnt have major problems.

    st.croix valley
    Posts: 62

    I ran a 02 225 opti for six years, the only problem I had was the compressor went out. A friend of mine had a 01 and went through 3 powerheads. If it was me I would stay away from the early 2000.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I would take it to a dealer have them do a readout and leak down test, run the serial number to find the service history. I believe many of the big block Optis of that era and had issues came. from putting the hammer down when the engine was cold. The Opti`s are such close tolerance motors many get blown from not properly warming them up. The piston expands faster then the cylinder wall which locks them up. My 2000 Opti has been great only problem I have had is 2 bad spark plugs. My routine, start the Opti make a few more casts, then good to go, or start and idle aways before coming up on plan.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    i have a 02 i bought new in 04. mine has had no major problems. have a mechinic run the serial number, there was a fix impliminted in the later models that year. if i remember right, it was cylinder #6 that would burn up if not warmed up to operating temp before you really got on it. i have somewhere around 1000 hours on mine

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