Hey guys, here we have a few pics of my unit attached onto my Yamaha 150 TLRY VMAX OX66 engine, 2000 model. Last year the trim/tilt was acting rough. Would take 20-30 seconds sometimes at the ramp before it would lift the motor. On the water it seemed to perform a bit better. I would venture to say it has air in the system, but who knows. I played with it a bit today and now it won’t do anything. Admittedly because I really don’t know what I’m doing. I was using my Yamaha manual and still am not sure what I’m looking at. First things first: in the first pic, you’ll see a screw top on the right side, where it’s wet, that has an ‘X’ on it. Is that the oil fill? Or what exactly am I looking at there? I know in the second pic, which is taken from the port side, that is the manual screw to unscrew to purge air and all that.
I was moving the motor up and down and nasty watered down oil was spewing from the right side X screw, as I loosened it up. So…..what do I do now? What if I need to drain it?
I’m really hoping that I don’t have to take the trim unit off the bracket and disconnect it and all, but in a sense that would be easier too, I bet. Any direction you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you–