Sioux Falls Humminbird/Minnkota/Lakemaster seminar

  • reddog
    Posts: 823

    As of 1/31 , there are 95 spots reserved. If youre going, it is advisable to let them know so they can bring in enough chairs.


    There will be a Humminbird, IPilot and IPilot Link seminar at Soo Sports on Feb 5th 6pm to 8pm.

    This will be a different seminar and presenter than in the past, for those that have attended before.

    What John told me is that it will be covering some of the new equipment being offered by Humminbird, Minn Kota, and LakeMaster for the upcoming season and their uses and capabilities. The seminar will be presented by walleye pro Mark Courts.

    Call John in the service dept to RSVP. 800 888 1615

    Advertisement is on their website.

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