Love My Honda Strikemaster!

  • jsrevermann
    Central MN
    Posts: 104

    I purchased a new Honda Strikemaster at the start of this years ice season and I am really impressed! It is really light, quiet, runs very clean, and one tank drills tons of holes. It really is a great tool to add to your ice fishing artillery.

    I have used this auger in the wheel house and it burned so clean there was no odor in the house when I was done drilling 6 holes.

    It is a little cold blooded after sitting outside all day, but once you get it warmed up it will punch holes better than any other auger out there.

    For starting I have found it works best to prime it until gas is in the bulb (3-4 times), pull once slowly to loosen up the oil, then use full choke and some throttle until it fires, next pull a couple times until it stays running and switch to half choke to warm up a little bit. Once warm switch to run and drill like crazy.

    It was a great tool for me to be on the move and drill a ton of holes to locate a bunch of crappies on Upper Red Lake. Limit of Red Lake Crappies

    What have your experiences been with this new auger?

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Rooster just used mine for the first time yesterday!! And all I can say is WOW !! Can’t beieve how quiet it is and how well it cuts !! Awesome auger !!!

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