VHF Radio

  • mojemann
    Concord, MA
    Posts: 12

    I was wondering what brand people might recommend for a handheld VHF radio. Can I get something at the low end that would suffice for emergencies and weather and will last for a while ?
    – thanks

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    If you click on the link below it will take you to a site called Jolly Marine Outdoors owned by Wade on this site. You will find different links to click on that will give you info on each radio. Wade can be reached by just sending him a private message on this in-depthangling site. He gives free fast shipping and if you live outside of Iowa you will pay no sales tax. I bought the Hummingbird model for under 100.00 from him but haven’t used it yet. Jon Jordan on this site has used that same model for many years and really likes it. Let us know which model you choose. Thanks, Bill

    Jolly Marine Outdoors

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Hey RC!

    Where are you planning on using your handheld? River/Lake….Ocean?

    I have both a handheld and a mounted model in my boatmobile. For emergencies…everyone will recommend a cell phone.
    For weather on the other hand, the weather alert feature has saved me twice from getting…at least wet. It’s those unexpected storms that just pop up….As good as NOAH is..it’s still no substatue for proper planning and keeping an eye on the sky.

    I have one of the Garmin models…forget which one. But from what I’ve heard on the board and compairing the range between my handheld and others..go with the.less expensive…..like the hummingbird. Remember, your goiing to need a 12v adaptor unless you own stock in Everready! Most radio have a rechargable battery pack. These are great…but you need two packs unless you don’t need to use it for the 4 to 6 hours it takes to recharge one.

    I’m not trying to talk you out of one…if fact, there’s 4 of us that have them and it’s a great way to share info on the lake with out boating around finding your buddies. This and the weather alert…I wouldn’t be without one.
    As Bill said, let us know which one you get and how it works for you.
    Again…use your cell phone for emergencies.

    Just my $1 and 2 cents….

    Opps! Almost forgot! Wade at JollyAnn Marine is the way to go…Not only does he save you shipping and outside of IA tax…but he’s a nice guy…

    Notice I’m not sponsered my Jann Marine? Hey! I’m not sponered by anyone!

    Good Luck


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