Fish Finder

  • mojemann
    Concord, MA
    Posts: 12

    I just picked up my new boat on Saturday and I am ready to spend some more money. I am a complete novice when it comes to fishing electronics . I was thinking of getting a fish finder / sonar for around $400. I would like to get a Lowrance. Is the X100C a good option.

    Wade, can you give me a good deal, even if I’m from Taxachusetts, possible home of the next president

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Thanks for the question. Steve provided the link above (thanks Steve!!). The x100c is a nice unit in my opinion. I just finished installing the Lowrance LMS 330C on my Lund yesterday. That’s basically the same unit as the x100c but adds GPS. As for pricing, I think you’ll find our prices are as good or better than most retailers out there, and we ship free to the USA. Let me know if you have any questions.


    Concord, MA
    Posts: 12

    Wade, your free shipping is a great deal. I am going to order from you as soon as I can decide on what I am getting. I was wondering about the tranducer options. How does a trolling motor with universal sonar fit in with the transducer that comes with the X100C ?

    BTW – What do you call a lawyer at the bottom of the lake ? … A good start !

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    I was wondering about the tranducer options. How does a trolling motor with universal sonar fit in with the transducer that comes with the X100C ?

    There is an adapter to connect the x100c to to the Minn Kota. You’d need the MKR US-5 from Minn Kota. We have these available if needed. They run about $20-$25.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The Minnkota US is a slick motor. I’m running one this year.

    Concord, MA
    Posts: 12

    I was wondering if the color is worth the extra $$$. The x125 has a higher resolution and is a lot less money. I’ve heard that color is better in the direct sunlight but I’ve never seen one to compare. I don’t need GPS, just want to be able to get depth info and look for fish !
    – thanks

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    I think color has it’s benefits. You don’t need that high of resolution with color units to get superior detail. I will try to take some photos of my LMS 330C this weekend and possibly post them next Tuesday when I return from the walleye opener. I’ve been around color units but never run one full time myself until this season. I’m already sold on the mapping but I will have to test the sonar on the water this weekend.

    As for the black n whites, they’re better than ever with the higher resolution screens and other improvements in technology. The x125 will certainly get the job done, but you’ll have better luck with the x135 due to the white back-light and some other goodies. I was out on Clear Lake with Ryan Hale and we were running his new LMS 480. It’s basically the same as the x135 on the sonar side. It was outstanding in my opinion and Ryan said he loved it. The detail was very good on the sonar. The mapping was good as well, however we both agreed that color mapping would have it’s benefits, especially in sunlight. That test run helped me decide on the LMS 330C. With mapping not entering the equation at all, you might find that the x135 would more than meet you needs.

    I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking you MUST have a color unit because that is simply NOT true. I think the color unit provides the most benefit to those who plan on running navionics maps or lakemaster maps. The color can really help separate the depth contours, etc., especially (again) in direct sunlight.

    These are my observations thus far. Others may have a different experience and I’d suggest getting all the input you can muster.

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