I’m a Quantum guy and have complete confidence in the entire line up from the Accurist through the EXO’s Quantum Spinning Reels As mentioned, balance and feel is a huge part in having confidence in your equipment. Over sized reels to the rod throws them out of balance and you forfeit a lot of feel.
If you look at the reels from all the major manufactures in the upper end of your range, you’ll find the quality level comes together and most are relatively comparable.
Couple things to keep in mind as manufactures all try to cheapen the manufacturing process to keep the price down on reels.
Bail construction? Stainless, titanium, Aluminum??? Titanium will give you better longevity.
Bearings – Just because one reel has 10 bearings and another has 8, it doesn’t make it better; or your getting more. You need to know what the bearing type or rating is. If a company puts 12 crappy bearings in a reel instead of 6 great bearings, they sold you 12X more crap.
One last thing that is usually not talked about, but makes a difference in a comfortable reel is the handle length. After putting a few in your hands, you’ll be able to tell there is something different while reeling. Sometimes having that longer or shorter stroke makes a difference.