Livewell pump replacement

  • igotone
    Posts: 1748

    need to replace a couple pumps

    what are some of the IDO guys using?
    or if U can tell me what is being put in new rigs

    thanks in advance to the IDO guys and gals

    Posts: 13

    replaced mine before we went to kab was looking for a replacement cartridge for the one in the the boat which is a good idea (mayfair marine products )but if no one within 40 miles has a cartridge then it does no good any how went to fleet farmpicked up a 500 galph atwood pump like $ 25.00 got a tube of silicone had it switched out in 10 mins id check fleet farm or some place like that good luck

    Posts: 4033

    atwood all the way

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    There are a few quality brands out there, and most popular brands are reliable. When I swapped my livewell pumps (two of them) the first time, I upped the sizing. I looked and couldn’t read the label on them for size. But my original two pumps were smaller than I liked and took forever to fill the livewell. With both pumps running, I fill my 38 gallon livewell very fast. But more importantly, I like it when I kick on a pump and “fresh” the water in the tank. The over flow is flowing; not trickling! Plus the harder spray into the tank seems to keep the water more oxygenated and the fish are very much alive and kick’n after a period of time in the tank.
    I like the 3M 5200 Marine adheisive for sealing the new stem through the hull. That product has never failed me yet!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I wiped the label off – they are Attwood Tsunami T800’s typical are the 500’s and they also make a T1200

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Do they make one with a reverse, to drain the livewell faster (pump the water out)?
    With the ais rules, you have to have them dry when leaving the landing, mine takes 1/2 hour to gravity drain.

    What are others doing to drain then?

    Posts: 4033


    Do they make one with a reverse, to drain the livewell faster (pump the water out)?
    With the ais rules, you have to have them dry when leaving the landing, mine takes 1/2 hour to gravity drain.

    What are others doing to drain then?

    Pull the plug when I head back to the launch. When driving back on plane the water will get sucked right out. If I need them alive at the dock I just wait until I get there then pull as soon as I can.

    Posts: 4033


    I wiped the label off – they are Attwood Tsunami T800’s typical are the 500’s and they also make a T1200

    That is the one I used to replace an old attwood, I used the T800. The cartridge system is nice, if it ever blows you can just replace the motor assembly with one twist of the unit and leave the piping and mount in place. That way you never have to break the seal of the silicon and can replace a pump in about 5 minutes.

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