Front Livewell Air Lock?

  • sandbar
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    I can not get water pumped in to my front livewell on my 1850 fish hawk. There is one pump in the rear of the boat that supplies water to the rear and front livewells. I have tried closing the rear livewell valve and opening the front and still no water. Some of the research I have done indicates a possible “air lock” in the water line that runs to the front. Has anyone had similar problems? Any sugestions for a possible fix? Thanks in advance.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    It might be clogged up with junk, take a garden hose and run it full blast into the hole where the water comes into the livewell and see what come out the other end.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Thanks Steve, I’ll give that a try.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    If it’s not plugged, (I’ve had my nozzle plug up) sometimes I just have to throw the boat in reverse a bit to throw some water towards the pump and then it works. Heck the first time out with my boat, I had to try the live well, flipped the switch and nothing , I just so happened to bring along the Lund owners manual, and this is what it told me to do, worked like a charm. Now if I only caught enough fish to use it

    Posts: 3

    I had that problem took about 1 year to figure out had to turn the position of the pump in the back of the boat hose was on top turned it to the side works great now give it a try

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