Mercury pro xs help?

  • Boone04
    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    Hi everybody looking for some help. Took the boat out yesterday and it starts right up and idels perfect. Put it in gear and still no problem. Put the pedal down jumps up on plane and then starts to run erratically basically seems like its not getting enough gas any sugestions? 2011 pro xs 200hp

    Posts: 963

    I have a 2012 with a similar problem, mine just dies randomly, somtimes on plane, some times idling, its pretty effin lame! Have you tried pumping the bulb when the problem occurs?

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    It could be a cracked spark plug. Had something similar happen a couple years ago to a buddies 250 ProXS. We were running and came to some shallow water, so he took it off plane and idled for a bit. Went to put it back up on pad and it would only go about 30mph. Took it in and they hooked it up to a computer and couldn’t find anything wrong. Took the tech with us out to a lake and he hooked the computer up while running and found one of the cylinders down. Took it back to the shop and found that the spark plug was cracked in that cylinder.

    Hope you get it figured out.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095


    I have a 2012 with a similar problem, mine just dies randomly, somtimes on plane, some times idling, its pretty effin lame! Have you tried pumping the bulb when the problem occurs?


    If pumping the bulb solves the probelm, you might want to try changing that bulb out. I have a 99 EFI and it was doing the same thing your motor is when I bought it new. They put a new fuel pump on the motor and new sending unit in the gas tank and it still did it. A friend had a Merc and asked if they had replaced the primer bulb. Did that and (knock on wood) no problems since.

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    It never will die out which I’m glad. I will check the bulb next time out and see what I find out.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12597



    I have a 2012 with a similar problem, mine just dies randomly, somtimes on plane, some times idling, its pretty effin lame! Have you tried pumping the bulb when the problem occurs?


    If pumping the bulb solves the probelm, you might want to try changing that bulb out. I have a 99 EFI and it was doing the same thing your motor is when I bought it new. They put a new fuel pump on the motor and new sending unit in the gas tank and it still did it. A friend had a Merc and asked if they had replaced the primer bulb. Did that and (knock on wood) no problems since.

    Check out the Fuel line on both sides of the blub as well. My buddy had the same problem – His ended up being a bad fuel line

    Posts: 10

    I had a problem very similar to this 3 years ago.

    My fuel/oil line got pinched in my jack plate. I was able to free it up and it looked fine once I freed it up. Then the problems began within 30 days after that until eventually a piston seized.

    If that line gets pinched in any way it may not display visible damage on the outside. The damage maybe on the inside of the line.

    The fuel/oil line is a relatively cheap fix.

    Props go to Mercury, they covered the parts even though the warranty ran out. My fuel/oil line looked great on the outside, that’s why it wasn’t evident ay first.

    Good Luck!

    Posts: 963




    I have a 2012 with a similar problem, mine just dies randomly, somtimes on plane, some times idling, its pretty effin lame! Have you tried pumping the bulb when the problem occurs? [/quote

    Bulb replaced next trip out it died any where from 10 to 47 mph. Things driving me nuts!have had it to the shop 6 times, 3 for this but the dealer cant find a problem as it never leaves a code or happen when they are running the boat! How ofter do you guys have to pump your bulb? My last Opti I NEVER had to pump nd never had any issues.


    If pumping the bulb solves the probelm, you might want to try changing that bulb out. I have a 99 EFI and it was doing the same thing your motor is when I bought it new. They put a new fuel pump on the motor and new sending unit in the gas tank and it still did it. A friend had a Merc and asked if they had replaced the primer bulb. Did that and (knock on wood) no problems since.

    Check out the Fuel line on both sides of the blub as well. My buddy had the same problem – His ended up being a bad fuel line

    Posts: 963

    Boone you could always get a spare 6 gallon tank (a kicker motor tank)and take it with you next time and when the problem occurs, switchto the spare if the problem goes away you know you have fueldelivery issue from the boat itself to the motor. That said if its a 2011 the dealer should be dealing with this for you!

    Fountain city, WI
    Posts: 321

    Your correct everything is under warrenty but dont want to wait my turn at a shop if its an easy fix I can do myself

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