recommend an VHF antenna

  • mwal
    Posts: 1054

    I received an Icom 45 VHF radio as a gift. Can anyone recommend an antenna for it?


    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Depends on how much you want to spend and how far you want to reach out. A 3 foot stainless will get you out about3-4 miles on low watt and about 7-8 miles on the 25 watt setting. They sell for about $30-$50. If you fish big lakes and want to get out over 10 miles or more, a 6-8 foot fiberglass with a 6-9db rating will be best. They start at about $40 and can go to over $150 if made with high quality brass furel components.

    If possible and if your going to use your radio alot on the 25 watt setting, wire it to its own battery. They draw alot of amps on the 25 watt setting and can blow fuses on accessories that are wired to the same battery.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    A low priced 8′ Shakespeare will do you fine. SHold be able to get one around $45-$60. Best if you can get one locally versus the internet due to shipping cost. If you do order one online, watch out for hidden shipping cost with some companies. If you run into too much trouble finding one, give me a yell and I’ll help you.

    Good luck.

    Posts: 517

    I agree — Give that 8′ Shakespeare some serious consideration.

    I have one on my ray45 and from my driveway I easily pick-up barges all over the river. I can’t say the same for my brother in-laws 3 footer who lives only 3 blocks away.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Its all good advice Mwal. VHF is line of sight, so the higher, the better. However, depending on your boat size, you might find 8ft a bit awkward. I have a 3 foot stainless steel whip that came as a Cabela’s freebie when I purchased my Icom (M402-S). I have it mounted on the center console top grab rail which is 4 ft high, so I effectively have it about 7ft high. When its not in use, or I need to cover the boat, the mount swivels down and points the whip straight down the side of the console and out of the way. I can’t really tell you how far I can broadcast, I dont think I have ever tried more then 4 or 5 miles. I have never been out of range. The only other thing I would say is use good low loss coax cable and run it as short and direct to the radio as you can. I have been told that you can negate all the postive effects of a good antenna with a bad coax connection.

    Good luck!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I have a Shakespeare 5206-C, 8 foot VHF antenna in my garage I’ll let you have for cheap if you are interested. Send me a PM.

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