New Electronics; need advice

  • to_setter
    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    I’ve currently got a Lowarance HDS5 Gen 1 on my boat, but have the thumbs up from the better half to go for a big screen with side scan or structure scan. I’ll be the new unit for the dash, and will move the HDS5 to the bow. Here’s my problem. If I go with Lowrance, I could network the current HDS5 and the new HDS 10 together right? But….I think I’d prefer to switch to Humminbird for the new unit. I could still move the HDS5 to the bow, but no network between the two. What would you do if you were me?

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    Sell your hds5 and buy 2 new humminbirds. At least that is what i’d do if I were you…

    Posts: 776

    Buy the HDS10 and link them together then you have Structure Scan,on both units and it must be less monies than the other way?

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Either 2 HDS’s or 2 Birds. I wouldnt go with one of each.

    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    Considering upgrading my 1197Csi to an 1198. PM me if interested in working something out.

    Posts: 4062

    If you network two HDS units with Structure Scan, one bow and one console you can then read the structure scan from front or back. Get in a boat with a HDS 10 and 1198 and check them out before you buy.

    Posts: 128

    What don’t you like about your Lowrance? Adding another would be the best bet.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    I’d get two birds and sell the HDS…and link them together.

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    What i meant to say was either way you go lowrance or humminbird you should link them together. So either sell your hds5 and go ALL HUMMINBIRD or keep your hds5 and buy a HDS10

    I just bought a HDS10 gen2 with structure map and I’m totally satisfied so far with my purchase. Now if i could get some more time on the water with it…

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    If you really wanting to utilize side imaging then I would defiantly go with the Humminbirds. Even with the Gen 2 Lowrance they still have not fixed the shallow water or the dark edges of the SI. What good is SI spending a ton of money when you can not utilize it in all circumstances, and does not perform as well.

    Balsam Lake Wisc.
    Posts: 183

    I would buy a new Lowrance Gen 2 HDS 8 ( 8 is also a good big screen )or HDS 10 for the dash. Also buy a LSS-2 and mount transducer on transom and network the HDS5 with the other units and you can get side imaging and structure scan on both units.You already have one HDS 5 so now you only have to buy one HDS and LSS-2. Lowrance is offering rebates on the HDS and LSS bundles.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I’d get two birds and sell the HDS…and link them together.

    X2. Bird all the way.

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    I’m torn because I’ve been totally happy with my HDS5. I haven’t had any issues, and am fully satisfied with the way it operates. But…..I’ve currently got a Navionics map chip and would like to switch to Lakemaster for improved accuracy and as I understand it, Lakmaster will no longer make chips for Lowrance? Also; with HB being owned by the same company as Minn Kota, I’ve got to believe the I-Pilot and the H-B will be talking to each other very soon. If I stick with Lowrance, I’m worried that I will miss out on this technology in the near future.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    I would buy a new Lowrance Gen 2 HDS 8 ( 8 is also a good big screen )or HDS 10 for the dash. Also buy a LSS-2 and mount transducer on transom and network the HDS5 with the other units and you can get side imaging and structure scan on both units.You already have one HDS 5 so now you only have to buy one HDS and LSS-2. Lowrance is offering rebates on the HDS and LSS bundles.

    x2…. I love my HDS units and LLS1.

    If you are concerned about mapping chips there are still some available but you had better get one soon. Also Lowrance is coming out with their own chips real soon. Not sure how they will compare to the LM.

    Posts: 4062

    2 things where have you seen that the LSS 2 does not work in shallow water? It was just released and all the data that was shown where test units.
    As far as Navionics look for some great things to happen, they are now working with Doc Samson since JO bought Lakemaster.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116



    I would buy a new Lowrance Gen 2 HDS 8 ( 8 is also a good big screen )or HDS 10 for the dash. Also buy a LSS-2 and mount transducer on transom and network the HDS5 with the other units and you can get side imaging and structure scan on both units.You already have one HDS 5 so now you only have to buy one HDS and LSS-2. Lowrance is offering rebates on the HDS and LSS bundles.

    x2…. I love my HDS units and LLS1.

    If you are concerned about mapping chips there are still some available but you had better get one soon. Also Lowrance is coming out with their own chips real soon. Not sure how they will compare to the LM.

    The rumors I have herd are that LakeMaster info was sold to lowrance before they were sold. Not sure if its confirmed true or not though… But with Bird and Minkota under the same roof I am sure some good stuff is on the way

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    2 things where have you seen that the LSS 2 does not work in shallow water? It was just released and all the data that was shown where test units.

    I tried and post up some picks from the BBC boards, I can`t seem to do it from the Lowrance forum. Every image from the LSS2 at any amount of range the edges are so dark cannot tell whats there. The shallow water pics are even worse. It seems if SI range is kept short 60 – 70 feet it is better but even in deep water it looses the ability to distinguish whats there at farther differences. When looking at the screen captures the bottom closest to the boat is overly bright and fades at distance into darkness.

    Posts: 823

    Everyone on there is anxiously awaiting the pro staff to put their screencaptures from the LSS2 up, but to date, none of them have posted anything. It’ll either be fantastic, or theyre not too proud of what they have to date, and are waiting for more software updates to fix it.

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