If you see a 22 foot Wellcraft called Distant Sun go by on either of the rivers
AH HAA! It was YOU!
Oh come on Brian. You’re not still sore about that little incident with your side planers, are you? Cripes, let it go man!
Just to fill the rest of the iDo crew in, I kinda-sorta took out Brian’s right side planer rig last summer. If you listen to Brian, he’ll tell you that I blew by at about 40 MPH in the Distant Sun and that I was so close that he could read the “Made in China” sticker on the side of my Party Naked can cooler. Apparently, that’s getting too close. At least in his opinion.
In my defense, I looked back and saw this guy in a fishing boat wildly waving his hands in the air like some kind of spastic. Naturally, I assumed the guy was having a seizure. I mean, he was standing up waving his arms like a lunatic, what else could be happening?
So, of course, I turned the boat around and went back to render aid. Unfortunately, in the process, I then took out the planer rig on the other side. How was I supposed to know?
You just can’t please some people.