Trolling Motor Issue

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thought I would reach out to IDO for my nephew. He bought a used boat that came with an older Minnkota (I think) with auto pilot. He hooked it up for the first time and is spun very weakly. Then not at all. It still will rotate, the shaft, not the prop.

    Any ideas? Motor burned out?

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I am assuming you have checked the battery and it is fully charged.

    Next I would check to make sure the hub and the prop is engaged.

    Also check wires and connections are tight. I would bet you have a battery or connection issue.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I am assuming you have checked the battery and it is fully charged.

    Next I would check to make sure the hub and the prop is engaged.

    Also check wires and connections are tight. I would bet you have a battery or connection issue.

    I wouldn’t assume anything with me and you know better.

    The battery was charged over night. We actually ended up using it to jump the motor’s battery, that apparently was dead, using jumper cables.

    We checked all the connections, although I told them to also check the male/female connection on the wires from the peddle to the motor, since there were 4 wires and I assumed 2 were for rotating the unit and the other 2 to spin the prop.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I would pull the prop and make sure it doesn’t have fishing line wrapped up in it. I had to replace my prop 2 summers ago and couldn’t believe all the line I cut out of it. It was amazing the thing would still spin.

    Posts: 1054

    make sure it is not a 24 volt motor

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643


    I would pull the prop and make sure it doesn’t have fishing line wrapped up in it. I had to replace my prop 2 summers ago and couldn’t believe all the line I cut out of it. It was amazing the thing would still spin.

    This is what I would check then make sure its not 24v… Not sure of any other way to test it besides those..

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    Buddy had a similar issue. Sheer pin was broken

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    take off prop, check shear pin and any tangles. try it wothout the prop. shaft spin??
    get out the manual and make sure its wired correct. Also check the plug. if it has one. I’ve had more of them go bad than anything else. circuit breaker?? try it with out it. when in doubt, wire it direct.
    were you on the water?? if the prop spins slow in the water, chances are battery not charges or its shot… replace. keep us updated.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Update. Took off the prop and no line and sheer pin intact. We can get it to spin if we hit the base ala The Fonz, Ehhhh. But when you stop it, it needs to be hit again to start. Doesn’t spin full speed either.

    That to me tells me that the motor is shot? It is not getting enough juice to start from stop or spin full speed?

    But I am hardly mechanically inclined, so maybe someone else knows?

    Posts: 1552

    Pug, Here’s a place that will look at it if you hit the brick wall and can’t get it going. It might be worth having them look at it.

    Motor Clinic

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    My terrova was acting similar last summer. Would spin but only weakly when at all. Sometimes you could smack it and it would go again for a bit. Turned out one of the magnets cracked in half and came apart.

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