Garmin Recreational Lakes and Fishing Hot Spots V5

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    New Product Announcement

    Garmin MapSource U.S. Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot Spots V5

    See details and purchasing information:

    Garmin MapSource Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot Spots

    Press Release:

    Garmin® Offers Anglers a Boatload of New Lake Maps

    OLATHE, Kan./March 25, 2004 — Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq: GRMN), today announced MapSource® U.S. Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot Spots® — featuring maps of over a thousand of the country’s best fishing and boating destinations divided into three easy-to-use geographic regions.

    “Anglers and pleasure boaters alike will appreciate the detail, selection, and easy-to-use format of these lake maps – all at a very competitive price,” said Gary Kelley, Garmin’s director of marketing. “From Okeechobee to Old Hickory, Mille Lacs to Mead — Garmin cartography can help boaters enjoy their time on the water.”

    Garmin has simplified the way anglers purchase and use the maps. Three different regions — East, Central, and West — will be fully unlocked and offered either on CD-ROM or pre-programmed Garmin data card. The CD-ROM version includes all U.S. Recreational Lakes and Fishing Hot Spots maps for each region, while the data card version offers regional Fishing Hot Spots maps only.

    U.S. Recreational Lakes maps are perfect for boaters and anglers venturing into smaller lakes. For the recreational boater, the maps include detailed shorelines, boat ramps, fuel, mile markers, hazards, marinas, and campgrounds. The maps also depict interstates, state highways, county roads and residential roads throughout the region being covered.

    Fishing Hot Spots lakes offer depth contours, structure and bottom characteristics, and recommended fishing areas that serve as a “virtual fishing guide” — advising anglers on the right tackle, tactics, and times to fish for their favorite species.

    The nation’s top professional anglers on the 2004-2005 Wal-Mart FLW Tour will use Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot Spots on Garmin electronics — to help them get the clearest view of the waters they’re fishing.

    Maps are compatible with all Garmin mapping units, including the eTrex® Legend, eTrex Vista, GPS V, iQue™ 3600, Rino® 120, Rino 130, GPSMAP 60C/60CS, GPSMAP 76 series, GPSMAP 176/176C, GPSMAP 276C, GPSMAP 172C/178C, GPSMAP 162/168, GPSMAP 182/188, GPSMAP 232/238, and the GPSMAP 2006/2010.

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