Humminbird Side Imaging recomendations?

  • Wadsworth
    Posts: 255

    Hi guys, I’m looking for a Hummibird Side imaging unit, I’m somewhat new to GPS units, so I would like to find a good deal on the most affordable unit I can, I do realize that the side imaging unit is more expensive.

    Any recommendations on which model to go with, and where to buy it?


    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    Get the biggest screen you can afford. SI is a great tool and will be a great addition to your fish finding arsenal

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    It’s money well spent. Get the biggest you can afford. While I recommend getting a unit with Ethernet capability. If you are really worrying about price I would look for a used 997 or 1197 unit out there.

    Posts: 823

    Figure out what the largest screen you can afford, then go one size larger. The only time you will regret spending the money, is when you give them your credit card. After you have it installed and up an running, you’ll never think about the $ spent again.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    Bass Boat Central is a good place to find a used one

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    It’s money well spent. Get the biggest you can afford. While I recommend getting a unit with Ethernet capability. If you are really worrying about price I would look for a used 997 or 1197 unit out there.

    Here a recent post on the same topic IDO H/Bird

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