Rodbuilding Course near Cedar Rapids IA

  • chuckles
    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Build a fishing rod to your specifications! A fishing rod building class will be held on February 16, 23, and
    March 1 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Center near Toddville, Iowa. Custom rod builder and naturalist Chuck Ungs, will lead participants through the process of building a St. Croix, Rainshadow or other brand of spinning rod. When finished with this series of classes, you will have a base of knowledge to move on to other rod-building projects. Of course you also get to keep the rod you build. For additional information or to register, please call Chuck at (319) 892-6485 or e-mail to Chuck.Ungs(at) Registration by January 20 is required. Class size is limited. Class cost depends on the brand and model of fishing rod blank and options selected.

    Posts: 823

    I would love to get into this. but this is too far to travel.

    I want to build an open water ice rod, with larger eyes all the way to the end. I get so sick of having to blow out the guides when fishing this time of the year. Is this feasible Chuckles?

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Absolutely. I keep thinking we need to develop a guide that will maintain 33 degrees and the problem would be solved though… where are you located?

    Posts: 823

    Im in northwest Iowa, and I really want to try something like this. What about a custom order? Out of the 23 days that have gone by since Christmas, Ive been in the boat 15 of them. I need this

    Cologne, MN
    Posts: 376

    I would love to get into this. but this is too far to travel


    Posts: 823


    Absolutely. I keep thinking we need to develop a guide that will maintain 33 degrees and the problem would be solved though… where are you located?

    Even a black ceramic guide(or another technology) would collect more radiant heat than the silver ones on the rods I now use.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    The biggest issue with cold season fishing is the guide filling with ice. So yes – a person can build a stick with larger diameter guides – and it does help some. I think one of the most important things for you to do is to only reel in when it is necessary – fireline seems to hold water better than other lines as you are reeling in – making the guides ice up worse with it than it does with mono. It also helps to reel in slowly I feel to reduce the water that is carried up the line to the guides where it deposits onto the guides. I’ve made it a habit to thump the blank several times after reeling up to knock off whatecver water I am able too… It’s a mess to be sure. Some have claimed that Reel Magic spray, chapstick and such items help too…

    Posts: 1291

    So how do those recoil guides hold up?I was going to use them on some ice rods,but the price .I wanted the lightest possible guides,but have not heard much about them.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    They should hold up very well. As with any metal guide I advice checking them for nicks and scratches that could affect the line – for use in ice fishing I would think it would take a lifetime to wear them out. They are very light – but the pricetag is high as you say. If having lightweight guides is key to your approach then go for it! You won’t be disappointed!

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