what propeller Aluminumn or Stainless

  • mwal
    Posts: 1054

    I have a new Stratos 186xt with an 115hp E-tec coming this spring what prop stainless or aluminum. Pro’s Cons?


    Posts: 776

    For performance use SS it flexes less and puts more HP to the water. If you’re prone to hit lots of stuff aluminum is more forgiving and you won’t bust up as much stuff,Lower Unit’s,but you’re going to spend more money on Props.With SSyou can hit more things and get it rebuilt,1 stump bump under power w alum. and the whole ear is gone.


    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    Really depends on where you like to fish too. My relatives fish Mille Lacs a lot and have always used aluminum with no issues.

    I fish the Mississippi river a lot and would never use anything but stainless…too much to hit and my prop cost would be extreme.

    Also, there are–I’m sure–3 or 4 blades SS props to consider. Can’t help you with what would best fit your rig.

    Happy Propping!

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Depends what you use the boat for. Both have there ups and downs especially when you get into the bigger boats with higher horse power. I run a lot of skinny rocky river water so its aluminum for me. Aluminum breaks, chips, and dings, stainless can take more abuse but breaks the parts there attached to. I prefer a dinger prop over a broken tail shaft and i have done both.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I’d like to see a comparison in the mid hp ranges say 100 to 150 HP and the difference in hole shot and top end, from what I’ve read and hear from dealers and such, I’m not so sure that SS is noticeably better.

    I have a SS on my 150 and a dinged prop also took out the prop shaft, had it been a aluminum, I think the prop replacement had it been aluminum, would have been cheaper than to repair the SS prop, much less the shaft and seals.

    Maybe try to find out if the SS prop would indeed give benefit for the added cost with you rig?


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