Yamaha to terminate contacts

  • thanisch
    Posts: 122

    I can’t believe it. I wonder if that was Yamaha’s decision or if Brunswick was just being too hard headed. I think Brunswick will find it hard to survive with offering Mercury alone. Sounds like they are going to support other motors for a while but will eventually target just Mercury.

    Posts: 4179

    Yesterday I took delivery of a new crestliner fishhawk equipped with a Johnson 115. I asked the sales manager what he thought the sale of Lund and Crestliner would mean in the long term. He said that while he expects the quality and craftsmanship to remain high, it is unclear whether these boats will continue to be made in the northcountry (versus heading down south). He also said that it will be virtually impossible to get a Lund or a C-liner equipped with anything besides a Merc. After my poor experiences with a Merc on my last boat (a Lund), I’m glad I got in before the switch to all Merc products. Sounds like a raw deal for consumers.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102


    No big news flash there. Why do you think Brunswick bought those companies? The Japanese manufacturers are kickin’ Merc’s butt. This was the only way to guarantee they wouldn’t lose more market share in the aluminum boat industry..

    They can’t compete head to head. I like my Merc. Do I wish a had a 115 Yammie? YES!!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 260

    I don’t think there is any danger of Lund and Crestliner moving down south. They both have a very experienced work force. They are’nt going to uproot the plant just to move it down south. Salesmen are just what their title says. You can bet Lund, Crestliner or Brunswick for that matter don’t discuss their business plans with salesmen from their dealerships!!!! From what I’ve seen at the Lund factory, the only thing that is changing is the Genmar name to Brunswick. Quality always has been top priority and I suspect it ALWAYS will be. I don’t know how it works but I know a few dealers around here sell more than one brand of boat. I bet they can get other brands of motors with those boats also. Just my 2 cents worth

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Doesn’t the consumer have the say about the engine brand choice on the new rig?

    I’d personaly not put a Merc on my new boat, with the possible exception of the Opti-Max. I just havent been that impressed with them.

    Yamaha on the other hand impresses me greatly. Today while getting skunked on pool 4 I was amazed at the three Yamaha’s that almost silently slipped around us. There was a 50, a 90, and a 115 I think that were all close to silent compared to anything else out there!

    If all I could get on a new Lund is a Merc, I’d either find a multi franchise dealer, or a different brand of boat.

    It still seems like the buyer can pick the motor they want, not the manufacturer. Imagine trying to tell people the only locator you can have on your new boat is a Hummin Bird!

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Brunswick owns Merc so why would they put another motor on their products?

    Would Ford put in a Dodge motor?

    I would imagine that there are a few folks out there who would never have put a Mercury engine on their boat but would hang a Mariner on the back end

    What does this do for the wonderful RCL tour?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I would think that they are ”locked in” for this year. But don’t know yet about next year.
    Thanks, Bill

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    Brunswick owns Merc so why would they put another motor on their products?

    Would Ford put in a Dodge motor?

    I understand what you mean about this, but I’d be willing to bet there are thousands of anglers that are simply use to getting the boat they want, with the engine they want.

    With automobiles there has never been the option to get the chassis you want with the engine you want. It has been this way with boats for a long long time.

    I’d be willing to bet there are countless brand loyal owners willing to change brands if they are forced into an engine they don’t want, or a boat they don’t want. I’m one of them.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    The biggest impact will be on the dealers. Say your local Lund dealer carries Johnson and yamaha motors – will Brunswick force them into a either, or situation. If you want to remain a Lund dealer you have to become a Merc dealer.

    It will be interesting to see what will happen to the RCL and some of the top reps who run Yammies on their Lund and Crestliners.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    In my own opinion….The performance issues between the different outboards are minor on the whole. Six of one a half dozen the other. It is so competive that once an advantage is reached the others overcome it shortly. The average fisherman cannot imperically tell the difference on their rig.

    The variables are too many. Prop size, engine height, weight distribution, brand of boat… Hearsay and personal predjuice usually wins a person over to one side or the other. It can be a bad mechanic who can’t properly diagnosis a problem or poor dealer service that tips the scales. It then boils down for some to brand loyalty and color of the cowling.

    Boats are another issue. There are vast differences in boats. I can tell a Crestliner from an Alumacrat from a Lund by the sound the make coming over the water and by the angle of the spray. The same is true between the glass boats … Warrior and Ranger and Patriot. The angler loyal to Lund…especially the top end line…might not be able to find a similar product with the performance of the Lund if the want to stay in tin. They’ll buy a Merc if they absoultely have to.

    I don’t think Brunswick is stupid and would not want to put Johnson/Evinrude on the back of a Lund if it hurts Lund sales and Merc sales such that one does not overcome the other. The root of this issue is below the surface and not as simple as Brunwick not wanting another manufactures engine on their boats but goes to long standing relations bewteen Yamaha and Mercury in product development and research issues.

    But..and that’s a big butt…How about the other Brunswick owned boats?…I do think they may all be factory rigged Mercury and Motorguide? If so my last paragraph is utter nonsense

    I have my own prejudices when discussing boats and motors. I do hope I have based my impressions on on the water performance.

    That all being said…The best walleye fishing boats are made of fiberglass and are Warrior. My engine of choice is Mercury. It matches my pick-up

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I am most likely completly off base since I know very little about marketing. I doubt Brunswick would limit themselves to only the Merc/Mariner motor line. I can’t imagine any business limiting themselves to one line of motor. I guess as a consumer I sit and wonder if my dealership only sells the OMC product line, but sells Lunds or Crestliners. Is Brunswick going to force them to sell the black motor?? Think of the training costs involved to be able to service merc. You have to get your whole staff trained in a new product line. Seems like marketing suicide to me.

    Posts: 973

    Nobody had much to say about Evinrude or johnson but I am a big supporter of those motors. And despite what some have said there is a big differance between an Evinrude and a Mercury. In my book the Evinrude come first, but I am very concerned that the Brunswick purchase will virtually eliminate competition between those two brands.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I have an older (1989) Johnson 60 that continues to impress me. It runs solid, and has plenty off poop for those long rides. I’d buy another when the time comes.

    My first choice would be a Yamaha however. They are quiet. No matter how little or how much you may know about marine engines, you can debate the sound level on the water. Just observe some the next time in a crowd, you’ll see what I mean.

    Regarding the Brunswick deal. They should take some notes from Neiman-Marcus or Nordstram’s. Those types of retailers learned that the customer decides what is best for them, not the marketing team. Folks are just plain used to getting the motor they want on the boat they want. Make it a hassle and people simply will change brands, of boat or motor.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    What if a guy has a used Lund and wants to to upgrade his motor? I would think that if you took a boat to a Yamaha dealer they would sell you one no matter what brand of boat you have.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The dealers won’t know for sure exactly what will happen until after the dealer meetings in the fall unless the boat and motor companies would announce things before. I know Smittys Marine has both Evinrude and Johnson along with Lund and Alumacraft boats too and will set you up any way you want. I love my Lund boat but the new Alumacrafts have some really nice changes in them and look like one hec of a nice boat. Thanks, Bill

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I read the article and I don’t see where it says Mercury will be the only motor offered. I bought my Lund without the motor then went to a different dealer for the engine. My point is they may not like it but the dealers are not going to give up your business if you don’t buy the motor or boat from them. It doesn’t have to be more expensive either. You can wheel and deal everything since their is so much competition in this business.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Waterfowler, in response to your post, Tracker boats all come with Merc/Marnier motors on. No choice. I’m not saying it’s right, but they do it and do it sucessfully. They are still the #1 selling boat brand in terms of numbers.
    I sure hope Brunswick doesn’t do it though, it’s nice to have choices.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I know that tracker does this, but how many customers don’t buy Tracker because of it. For me anyway, it was a deciding factor on why I ruled out the Tracker Tundra when I was shopping for the boat last spring. I’m not a Merc hater, I knew the motor I wanted and it dictated what boats were available to me.

    Susuki, you make a very good point, just buy the Lund boat at one dealership and have the motor installed at another I guess. Makes for some extra effort on the consumer’s part, but if it provides you with the end result it is likely worth it. As long as Lund doesn’t pull some kind of warranty BS when you have another brand hanging off the back of your boat.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    That would be interesting to see:
    Max HP-Mercury 115

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    There are more reasons not to buy a Tracker than the fact that they have Mercs on the back

    I’m sure there will be more press releases and rumors from now until the dealer meetings are being held.

    But it is fun to speculate

    Clark Co. WI
    Posts: 4

    I agree with the thinking “don’t tell me what motor I have to buy”. I am a GMC loyalist. But if I were told I could no longer have a 350 in my truck, I’m gone. If I’m not mistaken, didn’t Brunswick own Harley for a minute? Remember what happen to the Japanese market share when that happened? Personally I have a old merc that runs great (knock on wood). But if I were looking new, it would be Princecraft/Yammi baby.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Princecraft is Brunswick.

    Check out their website.

    We are proud to offer (and they should be) Mercury Marine engines on every boat we build. Maybe noit an exact quote but you get the idear.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 260

    Yamaha terminated the contract with Lund which allowed the dealers to purchase Yamaha thru Lund when they bought the boats. More buying power!!!! Dealers can still sell whatever they want.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    But if I were told I could no longer have a 350 in my truck, I’m gone.

    Hey Woodfinisher don’t look now, but welcome to the Ford family!

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Steve G has finally got us to the point. The contract is between the manfacturers and not dealers.

    Lund will not Factory Rig Yamaha any longer.

    Posts: 64

    Lund is making a big mistake by only placing Mercury engines on “customer” boats. Let the heavily spending consumer decide what motor they want on their boats.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    My speculation is that you can rig with a Yamaha or Bombardier engine at your Dealer. If your Dealer carries another engine you can hang it on the back.

    Lund will just not rig Lund boats at the factory with anything other than Merc. All boat companies make such deals with engine manufacturers all the time. It makes them all a few more dollars and saves you a few dollars.

    What factory rigging does is save costs for everybody because of purchasing power and rigging expense.

    Dealer rigging is more expensive. It takes more time, inventory for components plus the average dealer cannot buy engines in enough quanitity to give you the best price out there.

    Since Lund is now Brunswick they can put their own product on their boats and sell both of the products as a package making it more consumer friendly in terms of dollars which can be a limiting factor for most of working stiffs.

    Brunswick will not outlaw Yamaha or Bombardier on their products. It just may cost you more.

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