Has anybody used the Minn-Kota Co-Pilot

  • thanisch
    Posts: 122

    I bought a new Minn-kota powerdrive last year and decided not to go with the auto-pilot feature because of additional cost. However, I’ve been really disappointed with the foot pedal and looking for something different. Has anyone tried the co-pilot option with the wireless remote? How well does it work?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I haven’t used it yet but I don’t understand why that litle remote is black. If I drop one in the river (and it would happen a lot) I would never be able to find it again. They should make them blaze orange with a strobe light on them. Then I suppose a Bass would probably eat it like a topwater lure just as I grab for it.

    Gator Hunter

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I bought one last year and love it. The pedal cord is a pain in the butt sometimes with the dog and the net, and everything thing else that can get tangled in it. My pedal was also acting a little sluggish, so instead of buying a new pedal, I figured I would give this a try. I picked mine up at Joes when they had a special, you got a second remote for free. It comes with many different remote holders which I haven’t used yet. I just wear the wrist strap.

    Posts: 122

    Good point. At least make it white.

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 399

    I used to have an AP, and then installed the CoPilot a year later. I have now put on a Maxxum 74#. I liked the concept of the co-pilot, but found it to slow to respond to the type of fishing I do the most (river fishing). I did, however, LOVE it up on Mille Lacs this last fall. Very easy to slow troll cranks with, and still remain behind the console. If you mainly lake fish, it is great. For rivers, especially in a good current, it can be a bit hard to control and fish at the same time.
    Like I said, no complaints for the co-pilot, just didn’t suit my type of fishing. Plus, the foot pedal that the AP’s come with are the same as the PD. Those things are junk, IMHO. Mine pretty much was useless after 1 year.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I get a lot of use out of my co-pilot. Well worth the $100 upgrade cost. I have one remote attached to my steering wheel at the consloe and the other remote stays in my pocket.

    The remote and floor padal work interchangabley. In other words, if you are steering with the remote and step on the pedal, the motor switches over to the pedal. (And visa-versa)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 55

    Just picked up one a couple of weeks ago. Its like night and day compaired to the foot pedal. Go for it you won’t be disappointed.

    wisc go pack!
    Posts: 10

    How the snappin? I picked up my co-pilot last year and it works great. I keep one in my pocket and have the other control on the steering wheel also. I have the auto pilot and love it. get one today!!!!!! tight lines~~~~~~

    Posts: 122

    Thanks for all of the comments guys I knew I could count on in-depthangling. Do you get two remotes by default or is it a special offer from some places?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    The foot pedal stinks. Go with the co pilot. Try taking the wrist band and shorting it up. I wrap it around the 2 middle 2 fingers of the hand I reel with. It is always in your hand then and easy to hit the buttons with your thumb. When pitching the snaggs I fish taking you hand of the reel and into your pockets is just anough time for your jig to sink into the snag.
    Also make sure you have a good spot to store the remote so it does not get lost. Im still looking for my first one.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    The second remote was a special they were running last summer. If I remember right, I had to mail something in, and the remote came back a week or two later.

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    I have mine attached to my pole on the handle. I really like it cause I’m lousy with the peddel. It’s worth the money for sure
    more man toys yea!!!!!!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    The second remote was a “rebate”, you send in a rebate form, they’d send you another remote. The offer expired AFAIK on 12.31.03. There were cases that if you bought a Co-pilot at a certain time and place they just gave it to you right there, I was so bummed I thought I missed the promotion last year at Cabela’s, then I found the rebate. You might have a chance of finding a second remote for free, or you might not. It’s not really needed for say, but it was nice to have for free.

    Posts: 122

    Well you guys have fully convinced me to go forward with the purchase. Now if I can just convince my wife that I need the co-pilot AND a new depth finder.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Troy, I don’t have one myself but they’ve been a very popular item. With all the feedback I’ve heard from customers and now these guys I’m think maybe I need one too. Let me know if we can be of any help to ya.

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 199

    Bass Pro Shops has a Riptide special that throws in the CoPilot system for free. If you are looking at a Minn Kota 65AP, you might want to consider it. If I had to guess, its because the 65AP is going to become a harder sale now that the 74AP has been released for 2004.

    Bass Pro Shops RT65AP/CP Combo

    Watch out though… Bass Pro has a $55 shipping charge that they tack on…(It shows up on your credit card, but not on the invoice/order)

    Good luck,

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    I just picked up a minnkota powerdrive unit. It was new in 1999. Will the copilot work for this trolling motor?

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