Terrova quick release bracket

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I’m thinking of changing from a Maxxum to a Terrova. What quick release bracket are you guys using? Seems like the options are

    MKA-32 Quick Release Bracket with Cover
    MKA-21 Quick Release Bracket

    Also, should a guy invest in one of those Ram Stablizers?


    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 236

    No answer on the release bracket but I would go with the Ram Mount, locks the head of the motor in nicely, avoids a lot of bouncing/vibration both on the water as well as traveling on the trailer/road.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3895

    MKA-21 hands down. make sure to use, buy or make a backer plate or large fender washers. I would also reccomend the RAM stabilizer. I know multiple guys that either didnt quite get the motor locked or it came undone while WOT. Its $200 to replace the shaft when that happens. Plus it saves both your boat and Terrova from just normal wear and slop from bouncing.

    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    I have two of the 21’s and love them. I don’t actually remove the motor unless I’m trailering the boat for really long distance. Makes the cover fit better. On my Gator Trax flat bottom I remove the motor when going duck hunting instead of fishing. Never had a problem with either.
    Absolutely go with some type of stabilizer. I have the RAM’s on both boat and they are excellent. I know people who have bought or made a cheaper alternative that work fine too.

    Posts: 3229

    I prefer the MKA-21 for how clean the bow deck is when the TM is removed. No sharp edges for the cover or the little peoples.

    They all can be locked with an optional padlock.

    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    mine are the 16 not the 21, sorry.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I prefer MKA-16-02 Quick Release Bracket. Less moving parts & you can put a padlock on it. Too many horror stories from the 2 you have listed. And definitely add a stabilizer. ALWAYS slide the locking collar down when traveling or it’s only a matter of time before it deploys while on plane. Been there.


    X2, plus for me was when I ordered my travel cover it came a bit short for when the trolling motor was attached and adding a hole to the mount meant I could slide the motor back in the mount and padlock it in place.


    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I have the MKA-32. I have not used the other brackets, but I am very happy with this one and would buy another. Removing the motor literally takes 5 seconds. I also like the cover for a clean deck when the motor is not on the boat. The only time I go without the TM is in the spring when sturgeon fishing.

    I have attached a few pictures so you can get a feel for what it might look like on your boat.

    You are going to love your Terrova. Moving from my Maxxum to the Terrova was one of the best decisions have made for my style of fishing.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Thanks for the input. It sure would be easier if you would have all agreed on the same on one! I think I am going with the 21, although if I thought my choice in brackets would help me land a sturgeon like that I may go with the 32.

    Posts: 3229


    Thanks for the input. It sure would be easier if you would have all agreed on the same on one! I think I am going with the 21, although if I thought my choice in brackets would help me land a sturgeon like that I may go with the 32.

    Good choice………IMO!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3538

    I would not spend the bucks on a ram for stabilizing the trolling motor. All your looking to do is keep it from self deploying. I picked up some industrial Velcro screwed to the wood on my front deck about 6 inches behind the drive motor on the terrova for a total cost of…… wait for it $2.99 works great. Or like others have said use the depth adjustment knob and slide it down. I figured thou that eventually the knob is going to wear out.

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