I searched a few Merc forms on this problem. Just to be clear. You turn the key. You should get a confirmation beep before turning the ignition. Then you start the motor, run for 5 minutes and it puts out one beep. Then you run ok until the motor is turned off. Same problem occurrs on re-start. Correct?
I’ll also assume the mechanic did not find any stored alarm codes when you had this serviced.
If the above is true. You may have one of 2 problems. A bad alarm module. Or a bad CPU. Both can toss an errant alarm without sending an alarm code to the computer.
You can try to find a dealer that is familiar with these kind of “Weird” problems. If under warranty, you can insist it gets fixed even if they need to send a tech out from Mercury Marine to diagnose the problem.
If out of warranty. Its an errant alarm with no mechanical failure immenant. Drive it like you stole it and hope for the best!