Following the “SnoSuit” the open water counterpart……the “Stormsuit” had big expetations from many fisherman. As a guy that lives in outdoor gear………..I’m very impressed!! As Joel mentioned earlier the “Stormsuit” simply seals a guy from the harshest conditions, but doesn’t melt you. We’ve fished in our share of rain and cold this season
, and it has been up to the test. Not a sloppy fit that allows rain down your neck or up your sleeves/legs. Seal it up and laugh at Mother Nature!! Concentrate on fishing with not a second thought of being dry or comfortable.
Here are a list of things that I’ve noticed surel forgetting something.
1.This suit breathes very well. Frankly I start most every morning with my bibs on as we have cool transports in May/June, September/October. Cool morning rides and handling all the boats fish demands good pair of bibs aka “Fishermans Best Friend”. Frankly I would prefer to have fish slime on my heavy duty bibs than soaked in my pants!! (The Fishing Queen seconds that!!) Even mid-day as temps have risen into the low 60’s the suit has been very comfortable. I’ve never had that feeling I was melting in a garbage bag.
2. In typical Frabill fashion they’ve added all sorts of cool bells and whistles to the suit. I like to wear my sweatshirt over my bibs. This of course can create a problem when a guy needs to use the “Outdoor Facilities”
Frabill solved that problem by providing the frontside “Trapdoor” man relief with ease. Not sure how else to describe it…….BUT VERY COOL, and you don’t need to undress in the rain!!
3.I like velcro around the ankles in a rain suit and this suit provides just that, so your not dragging your suit on the ground and it fits you perfectly.
4. Lots of great sealed pockets. I’ve had cameras, cell phones…….in HARD HARD rain and the’ve never got even slightly damp. (Until I dropped my guide camera in the water of course!) Then she got wet. 
5. Extremely well built and heavy duty in true Frabill form. As always you seem to get what you pay for. This suit is built to last!! I plan on wearing this suit this fall with a sweatshirt or 2 underneath until temperatures call for a transfer into my Snosuit.
6. Cool sunglass wiping towel attached to the inside of your coat. I had to laugh when I saw that!! Thinking of everything!!
7. Hood that protects from rain, but sits on the brim or your cap. No fun not being able to see!!
8. Overall great suit. 