Johnson Sea Horse

  • Fishhound
    Posts: 60

    About 10 years ago I came across a 5 1/2 hp Johnson Sea Horse. Not sure how old it is. I think it’s late 50’s or early 60’s. Model number is CD 15. Don’t know if it runs or not. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what it might be worth? It’s in decent looking shape. Thanks

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I would suggest going the Google route. I have 2 old motor like that and I’m currently trying evaluate their value. One is a 1954 3hp Johnson Sea Horse and the other is a 1974 4hp Sea Horse.

    I had to do a lot of digging through a ton of websites to try and find a value for my motors. Still not too sure I have an accurate number in my head…

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I just found this out of date post on the internet, not sure if he got his asking price or not.

    Black River Falls 54615, WI, United States – 1 month ago, on
    FOR SALE $275 – This is a Johnson 5 1/2 hp seahorse outboard motor with gas tank runs great original paint model number cd — 15, serial number 1684949 you can contact me by e-mail or by phone … contact me by phone is best I do not Tex will consider a possible trade Location: Black River Falls

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    A buddy picked one up at a yard sale a few years back for $75.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    It depends on how good they run and what they look like. Really good condition with a few scratches and low hours is maybe $350 too $400 for a 5 horse. I got a buddy that bought a 1 1/2 horse Evie thats next to mint and paid $500 for it a couple months ago, once a year to canada for 2 weeks for 20 years. It sat in a garage for the last 20 years after that, I seen it and it looks its off the showroom floor, the owners took very good care of it while they used it. The motors above anywhere from $150 if it runs good and well used too $350 with realitively low hours and scracthes. They were good motors and dependable. Its still easy to get parts for them, the smaller ones make good canoe motors.

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    Maybe $50 if it isn’t fixed up and running well.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I had a 1958 Evinrude Fisherman 5.5. It is pretty much the same motor you have there with a different color paint on it. If you have the 2 hose tank and the motor is in good running order you might get $350 out of it tops. I would expect more like 250 if you don’t want to hold onto it long. Those are good motors and are very easy to work on yourself.

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