A lot of guys run those on the lower Wisconsin River. I’ve been in a couple of them. On top of Jon’s spot on observations they are also loud. If you go tunnel get the pods on the back too. If you like to fish water that doesn’t see much pressure, nothing is better. They can also be a pain if they get plugged up.
We used one for work a couple times and I thought they were a royal PITA. The impeller wraps up on every piece of line, grass, and vegetation it sucks up. It would take an hour to clean it off, and we wound up ruining the impeller by cleaning it with a screwdriver. The water jacket also plugged up with sediment and we could only run it for a couple minutes w/o overheating. I hated the damn thing.
On a used one, I would definitely check the impeller for gouges, and make sure it’s pumping good water. Pull the water hoses off and make sure you don’t see any sand or dirt in there. If there used in shallow water they are probably pulling up a lot of dirt into the motor. But, like Kevin said, if you want to get into shallow skinny unpressured water, it might be worth the hassle. Personally, I’d pick the well set up prop boat and carry an extra propeller.