**Entry's Available for the 2015 Officer Schneider Memorial Tournament**

  • jimmysiewert
    Posts: 604

    Kindly find attached the entry for the 4th Annual 2015 Officer Schneider Memorial Fishing Tournament which will be held on July 11, 2015 out of Lake City MN on Lake Pepin. To date this tournament has raised over $16,000 in scholarships for kids going into the law enforcement field. Besides the great fishing tournament – anglers will have an awesome fish dinner with all the trimmings and some great raffles afterwards at the award banquet. The Frontenac & Lake City Sportsman’s Club are again very proud to host this event and if you have never participated in this tournament before – you will truly enjoy it! Thanks again for the support in the past and we look forward to a great 2015 tournament!

    Jimmy Siewert

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    SE Minn.
    Posts: 96

    Looks like another great start…. Things are coming along nicely.
    Entrees will be mailed out soon, Print out your entry on here, also they are available at River Valley Outfitters in Wabasha.
    You wont want to miss out again on this fun tournament with tons of prizes, great food/meal.

    Thanks everyone!

    Posts: 604

    Just over a month left to go! We have received a lot of entry’s to date and I will be mailing out confirmations and information packet within the next two weeks to all that have entered so far. The banquet prizes are rolling in also so we will be looking forward to a heck of a great time after the contest. Get your entry’s in today and we appreciate your support for this great event which benefits students whom are going into law enforcement in memory of Shawn.

    Jimmy Siewert

    SE Minn.
    Posts: 96

    Special thanks for all who are helping with this tournament including Frontenac Sportsman’s club, Lake City Sportsman Club, Huettls Meats in Lake City, everyone who has graciously donated or helped in any way!

    Things are coming together nicely for prizes, raffles, etc.

    See you all there on July 11ths. There is also flyers at River Valley Outfitters in Wabasha and you can sign up and pay there.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Hope there is still spots open!! We’ll be signing up morning of….About a 90% chance we’ll be there….
    Love this tournament mostly due to the AWESOME meal afterward!!!!

    Posts: 604

    We will have spots open for anyone interested in participating on Saturday AM. We will begin checking boats at 5:00 AM in the Fiesta Foods Parking Lot in Lake City. We will be giving everyone a packet that has all pertinent info for the contest and the banquet afterwards. Looks like we will have a great turnout this year again! The banquet afterwards is going to be awesome again also. We have a ton of great prizes we will be raffling off. If anyone has any questions – feel free to call me at 651-345-5035 prior to Friday. Friday I can be contacted at 651-263-3216.

    Jimmy Siewert

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 317

    Can you send me a copy of the flyer to our email address so I can post it on our website and FB page. send to [email protected]

    SE Minn.
    Posts: 96

    results: we had 48 boats/ over 90 walleys caught, 306 lbs, about a 3.4 lb average! good weights!!!

    1. 24.9 ryan carey and dennis schonhoff $1250
    2. Bratner and Patrol 21.7 lbs $800
    3. Brandt and Prigge 21.4 $ 500
    4. Paul and Sue Read 20.5 lbs $400
    5. C Weimann and Fogg 19.65 $ 300
    6. Daren and Derald Mitchell 18.7 $200
    Big fish was Steve Knotke with 8.01 $300
    Thanks for everyone making it another success…

    Posts: 604

    Kindly find attached the total results of the tournament. We had a great turnout and I truly believe everyone had a great time! Thanks to the Lake City & Frontenac Sportsman’s Club for all the hard work running the tournament and the fish fry afterwards. THANK YOU to all whom donated items for the raffles (We had a ton of great stuff). This tournament raised approximately $7,000 this year to give to kids going into Law Enforcement! We will be making a lot of kids happy and it could not have been done with you – the participants & volunteers. You are all hero’s in our eyes!!!!!

    Jimmy Siewert

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    Posts: 604

    If anyone would like a copy of the weigh-in results, please PM me and I would be happy to send you file.

    One item that came up consistently with the anglers was the lack of a year class of walleyes. We weighed in (90) walleyes between 46 boats and the average weight was 3.42 lbs. There were only a hand full of walleyes caught between 15″ and 19″. Seems to be the word within day to day fishing also (not tournament day).

    Also sadly, only (2) saugers were caught and averaged only 1.20.- lbs. each.

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