enclosed 5×8 trailer 750.00

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Hi all, I have a 5×8 trailer I have used for dry storage and willing to sell it if anyone has a use for it. I bought this from South Suburban Rental about 4 years ago. Pulls good. Will need some new tires and grease in hubs if your planning to put miles on it. Its just been sitting for the most part at my place. I put about 200 miles in it moving wood carvings to shows but beside that it just sits at my house.

    Would work good for dry storage, hunting blind, ect…

    750.00 located in Cottage Grove MN

    1. Trailer-1.jpg

    2. Trailer-2.jpg

    3. trailer-3.jpg

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    Who is the manufacturer? Seems like a good price to me.

    Posts: 176

    I wish I needed it, double your price and it would still sell!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I wish I needed it, double your price and it would still sell!

    I would if it was going on Marketplace but sure there is someone here who can use it more than me.. I just want to get what I have into it and happy with that.

    Robby, Interstate 1 is the manufacture I believe. I have to dig up the title and can see what year and verify manufacture.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I wish I had use for a trailer of this size. The price is great.

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