Emissions Law

  • fins
    Posts: 186

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fins wrote:</div>
    Zero sarcasm. Probably be a good $20k a year pay raise for people in my field of work now that all the imported garbage isn’t going to get dumped here for free.

    Out of curiousity, what field of work?

    Steel industry

    Posts: 186

    Bearcat, grubson, crawdaddy—- we are light years apart on this, let’s just leave it at that. My point was that I don’t see a role for the POTUS in policing gender or sexuality and as such I didn’t factor it into my voting decision. Trump is good at identifying opportunities to exploit rage. It’s a great distraction tactic. Meanwhile we’re looking at Ontario applying a 25% surcharge on all the energy they supply to this state as a retaliation to the tariffs.

    They can have their energy. We won’t need it when we can start burning coal again and have nuclear power.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    They can have their energy.

    Most of our crude here comes from Canada though. It’s directly piped in. Our refineries are not set up to process permian basin or gulf crude. It’s not like the Midwest can just start refining a different type of crude oil over night. It would require massive upgrades and alterations at refineries, which would take years, if they even wanted to do it.

    The good news is that OPEC has announced they will be increasing oil production so it won’t affect global output in the near future.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Exploit rage? Scare tactics? You mean there aren’t really dogs getting eaten by Hatian immigrants in Ohio?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirtywater wrote:</div>
    Bearcat, grubson, crawdaddy—- we are light years apart on this, let’s just leave it at that. My point was that I don’t see a role for the POTUS in policing gender or sexuality and as such I didn’t factor it into my voting decision. Trump is good at identifying opportunities to exploit rage. It’s a great distraction tactic. Meanwhile we’re looking at Ontario applying a 25% surcharge on all the energy they supply to this state as a retaliation to the tariffs.

    They can have their energy. We won’t need it when we can start burning coal again and have nuclear power.

    This has got to be a satire account.

    Posts: 168

    I get it people lose jobs all the time. But I am upset that a lot of hard working folks whose job it is to protect the natural resource I depend on for my hobbies are going to be axed in the name of “efficiency” when in reality it’s just a front to remove protections and free up businesses to do whatever they want to make a buck. Or screw people over to make a buck. Or bend the laws to their liking. Federal employees aren’t upset they are asked to list 5 things they did last week. They are upset because they know it will be used against them in any way possible, especially if the work they do doesn’t align with the “mission”. Which make no mistake about it is short term gain no matter the cost. When the civil servants are out of the way, the fox will play. Zero chance any of this will lead to a balanced budget or less debt, but they will feel good having taken it to the people they disagree with.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Exploit rage? Scare tactics? You mean there aren’t really dogs getting eaten by Hatian immigrants in Ohio?

    Just wondering if a presidential canidate and the vp canidate made public statements 20 years ago about a specific nationality of legal people here eating peoples pets, then after the fact stating that its Ok to make things up to get their point across would have turned out.

    Posts: 168

    I am all for attacking the debt. Shrink the workforce by not backfilling folks that leave. Cut every 2026 budget 10 percent across the board, including the military. Give people time to react, make it indiscriminate and reasonable and the middle leaning Dems might just get on board. Root out fraud and errors, but don’t just holler about programs you don’t like being fraud. Be a scalpel not a wrecking ball. Don’t cut taxes immediately, roll all the savings right into the debt Dave Ramsey style until we’re out of this mess.

    Posts: 607

    “Uniter We Stand – Divider We Fall”

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    “Uniter We Stand – Divider We Fall”

    I thought you were out. You never answered the 34% percent question. I’m generally curious because it’s so hard to believe

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Bearcat, grubson, crawdaddy—- we are light years apart on this, let’s just leave it at that. My point was that I don’t see a role for the POTUS in policing gender or sexuality and as such I didn’t factor it into my voting decision. Trump is good at identifying opportunities to exploit rage. It’s a great distraction tactic. Meanwhile we’re looking at Ontario applying a 25% surcharge on all the energy they supply to this state as a retaliation to the tariffs.

    I’m not talking scare tactics, I’m talking about what I see when I’m out with my kids. I’m mo extremist and neither are half the people you look at from your high horse. We are just fed up with that and we support our kids and wives. There are a couple of you guys who seem to have every political answer and are just superior, it’s comical. I understand you support men in your daughters locker rooms, but not i.

    Posts: 607

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    “Uniter We Stand – Divider We Fall”

    I thought you were out. You never answered the 34% percent question. I’m generally curious because it’s so hard to believe

    Well I can tell you that 700,000 other individuals are in the same boat (insurance pool)as I am so if you think I should find another job – I guess the 699,999 can also. But hey – what do I know since I am the administrator for open enrollment at our facility. Sure was hoping Trump would bring this holistic issue up last night. Oh wait – that was a false promise in his last Presidency……

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Well I can tell you that 700,000 other individuals are in the same boat (insurance pool)as I am so if you think I should find another job – I guess the 699,999 can also. But hey – what do I know since I am the administrator for open enrollment at our facility. Sure was hoping Trump would bring this holistic issue up last night. Oh wait – that was a false promise in his last Presidency……

    I didn’t say find a new job, I didn’t even hint towards that. I asked you a question and I asked it respectfully. Almost all responses on this thread are respectful but yours seem to push the hostile , you know all and I’m not sure why. I’m not your enemy.
    Again, why did the rates increase 34% ? Mine have stayed steady and about a month ago I got a letter saying my ortho doubled, vision is going up, medical is going up and 0 increase. I guess I’m glad I’m a union laborer. It’s easy to just say false promises. Both parties have lots of them. Munchy brought up some valid points that effected way more then 700,000 from the last party but that had no effect on you, so you didn’t care.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077

    The Belle is Account Exec at a large brokerage and we talk biz, both hers and mine. She despises DT so if (37%) was the case I would be getting an earful. The most she’s spoke of is 15% but that was due to smaller groups with members battling chronic illness.

    Posts: 607

    I’m as easy going a guy as they come. I can however by “upset” with so many of the false narratives and insinuations. What I can tell you flat out is 8% of the increase is directly related to the actual increase in healthcare costs. That is across the board – not just me. There are (3) other factors beyond the actual cost increase of healthcare. The biggest one being what we were explained were projections cost. They project more people in our insurance pool (just think Babyboomers) will be needing more treatments. This will not be our large group – it will affect others like you. We are nearing open enrollment earlier than probably most (in June). I know other industries and even schools are starting to get some startling news. I will make it – but I feel for many others that will have to make a choice. Somebody on your end is paying for that increase. Good for you if not you – but if it is your employer that will have to make that up – it just gets passed onto the consumer – and so it never ends and always affects. My bad for the “get another job” comment that some other hunyuck said.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fins wrote:</div>
    They can have their energy.

    Most of our crude here comes from Canada though. It’s directly piped in. Our refineries are not set up to process permian basin or gulf crude. It’s not like the Midwest can just start refining a different type of crude oil over night. It would require massive upgrades and alterations at refineries, which would take years, if they even wanted to do it.

    The good news is that OPEC has announced they will be increasing oil production so it won’t affect global output in the near future.

    Then they better get busy, no reason to be dependent on another country.
    We have the capability and resources to do it ourselves, it’s how it should be.
    I personally think these tariff threats are a bluff as are Canada’s threats of retaliation.
    Time will tell.
    Who will buy that oil in Ontario if we don’t? They need us to buy it.
    Either way, sometimes things have to get worse in order to fix the issues and make it better.

    Posts: 102

    Bet you still cashed those checks. If it bothered you so much you should have just tossed em. Typical though. Cry baby sore losers.

    It was direct deposited. Yeah, I’m going to mail a check to treasury. I do know someone who got the check with Trumps signature. Remeber how proud he was to give away that money? Do you also remember how proud he was to get the covid vax? Haha Not many maga people talking about that.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    I said add a part time job, is that shameful to do if my checks and balances aren’t adding up I work more hours instead of blaming it on something else.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    “Uniter We Stand – Divider We Fall”

    I thought you were out. You never answered the 34% percent question. I’m generally curious because it’s so hard to believe


    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fins wrote:</div>
    Bet you still cashed those checks. If it bothered you so much you should have just tossed em. Typical though. Cry baby sore losers.

    It was direct deposited. Yeah, I’m going to mail a check to treasury. I do know someone who got the check with Trumps signature. Remeber how proud he was to give away that money? Do you also remember how proud he was to get the covid vax? Haha Not many maga people talking about that.

    You realize that stimulus checks came from Biden too right? Also during a period when people were not allowed to work? If they’re was ever a time for the government to hand out money,
    While they’re restricting our rights to earn would be a great time in my eyes. Direct deposit? No problem, if you didn’t want it there are thousands of charities that would have loved that money. “I didn’t want that money” said nobody ever!
    One nice thing about America is the freedom of choice. It was his choice (as it should have been for everyone) to get the vaccine, nobody forced it on him.

    Posts: 607

    I said add a part time job, is that shameful to do if my checks and balances aren’t adding up I work more hours instead of blaming it on something else.

    We have every right to blame it for policies being shoved down our throats. I don’t understand the complacent “oh well” thought process where in the same breath. Again – policies are causing this – not personal actions.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    We have every right to blame it for policies being shoved down our throats. I don’t understand the complacent “oh well” thought process where in the same breath. Again – policies are causing this – not personal actions.

    Have you talked to your employer? Are you sure it’s not on their end? Everyone else here seems to think you’re in the minority seeing increases like that.
    Personally we pay for our health insurance. My wife, 2 daughters, and myself. It’s substantially more than my mortgage. I don’t feel bad at all if your rates went up a percentage. Try paying 100%

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    The Healthcare system has been broken and corrupt in this country long before DT came into office

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    I have worked in the private sector my whole life changes happen constantly via many factors you just learn to adapt.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I’m as easy going a guy as they come. I can however by “upset” with so many of the false narratives and insinuations. What I can tell you flat out is 8% of the increase is directly related to the actual increase in healthcare costs. That is across the board – not just me. There are (3) other factors beyond the actual cost increase of healthcare. The biggest one being what we were explained were projections cost. They project more people in our insurance pool (just think Babyboomers) will be needing more treatments. This will not be our large group – it will affect others like you. We are nearing open enrollment earlier than probably most (in June). I know other industries and even schools are starting to get some startling news. I will make it – but I feel for many others that will have to make a choice. Somebody on your end is paying for that increase. Good for you if not you – but if it is your employer that will have to make that up – it just gets passed onto the consumer – and so it never ends and always affects. My bad for the “get another job” comment that some other hunyuck said.

    I appreciate the reply, and I’m sorry it’s affecting you in such a direct measure. Hopefully the uphill battle is short and sweet. But who knows. I know arguing sides and pointing fingers will accomplish nothing, besides exactly what you keep saying, united we stand, divided we fall. The politicians of this country have done nothing but divide the people. Which i think is exactly what they want. So much hate in the world today, and it’s sad

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    I’m as easy going a guy as they come. I can however by “upset” with so many of the false narratives and insinuations. What I can tell you flat out is 8% of the increase is directly related to the actual increase in healthcare costs. That is across the board – not just me. There are (3) other factors beyond the actual cost increase of healthcare. The biggest one being what we were explained were projections cost. They project more people in our insurance pool (just think Babyboomers) will be needing more treatments. This will not be our large group – it will affect others like you. We are nearing open enrollment earlier than probably most (in June). I know other industries and even schools are starting to get some startling news. I will make it – but I feel for many others that will have to make a choice. Somebody on your end is paying for that increase. Good for you if not you – but if it is your employer that will have to make that up – it just gets passed onto the consumer – and so it never ends and always affects. My bad for the “get another job” comment that some other hunyuck said.

    I appreciate the reply, and I’m sorry it’s affecting you in such a direct measure. Hopefully the uphill battle is short and sweet. But who knows. I know arguing sides and pointing fingers will accomplish nothing, besides exactly what you keep saying, united we stand, divided we fall. The politicians of this country have done nothing but divide the people. Which i think is exactly what they want. So much hate in the world today, and it’s sad
    Don’t forget to add the media in all this!

    Posts: 24602

    Jimmy, that sucks your insurance went up so much. Is it the exact same coverage with deductibles, copays, out of pocket max? If so, that is pretty ridiculous and either your employer is now kicking in less than before OR it was underpriced/funded.
    Ours went up less than 10%. I forget the exact number but it wasnt 10 I know that. I have the most expensive plan available because I had an HSA high deductible plan one year and it about killed me financially because I ended needing surgery and a several day hospital stay with multiple ER visits thrown in before said surgery. Never again. I added my wife last year because her insurance was just terrible. Terrible coverage and terrible premiums. So I added her to my plan with the 3 boys. The cost to me doubled monthly, but she was saving close to 1000 per month. I made her take over the garbage and gas bills. She is still coming out ahead and its a wash for me.
    Not sure if your employer does this, but several years ago mine switched to where you pay based on how much you make. I dont particularly think that is fair because there is no connection to pay and how much they are a burden on the insurance plan, but whatever. I forget what the cutoff was for the scales but I know I am in the top one.

    Posts: 1803

    I’m not talking scare tactics, I’m talking about what I see when I’m out with my kids. I’m mo extremist and neither are half the people you look at from your high horse. We are just fed up with that and we support our kids and wives. There are a couple of you guys who seem to have every political answer and are just superior, it’s comical. I understand you support men in your daughters locker rooms, but not i.

    you claim people with views like mine are failing the women and children in their family. And I’m the one looking down from a high horse? Cmon man.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Zero chance any of this will lead to a balanced budget or less debt

    That’s exactly it. People think that by reducing the foot print of certain agencies, it’s going to balance the budget. It won’t even make a noticeable dent because it only represents pennies on the dollar. You could literally axe the entire federal government and you’d still be in debt because of the percentage it represents as a whole. It’s simple math.

    The only thing that is going to balance the budget and reduce the deficit is going after the big fish. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Defense. Those four line items represent over 80% of the federal budget.

    The problem is that politicians are spineless and they know that attacking those items are political suicide for gaining re-election. Nothing is going to change unless those items are addressed by Congress with a long term solution.

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