Well I can tell you that 700,000 other individuals are in the same boat (insurance pool)as I am so if you think I should find another job – I guess the 699,999 can also. But hey – what do I know since I am the administrator for open enrollment at our facility. Sure was hoping Trump would bring this holistic issue up last night. Oh wait – that was a false promise in his last Presidency……
I didn’t say find a new job, I didn’t even hint towards that. I asked you a question and I asked it respectfully. Almost all responses on this thread are respectful but yours seem to push the hostile , you know all and I’m not sure why. I’m not your enemy.
Again, why did the rates increase 34% ? Mine have stayed steady and about a month ago I got a letter saying my ortho doubled, vision is going up, medical is going up and 0 increase. I guess I’m glad I’m a union laborer. It’s easy to just say false promises. Both parties have lots of them. Munchy brought up some valid points that effected way more then 700,000 from the last party but that had no effect on you, so you didn’t care.