Politically- I’ve always considered myself independent with conservative tendencies. Growing up on a farm, joining the army, and being mad as hell at 9/11, I’d say I was pretty close to the early 2000’s Republicans- the ones the MAGA crowd would call a RINO today. The gay marriage situation and the folks losing their minds over Sunday liquor sales, all by the supposed party of “freedom, ” really identified that I don’t belong in either side. I can’t agree with either and don’t pretend to.
By far the thing that matters to me most right now is my kids, boys that are 4 and 6, and their future.
The oldest wants to be a cop. I love cops and think that’d be great, and I hate to think he’d live in a world where everyone pulls their phones out to video cops because they hate them.
I think they’ll do great in life and don’t want to see them get passed over on a job because of DEI or other nonsense.
I also want them to live in a world where people are respectful and decent. Last year driving to the fair we see a huge, huge sign that says “F*ck Biden.” Then later at the store a guy has a shirt on that says “Biden blows, Harris Swallows.” How the f$ck do you explain that sh*t to your kids?
At some point we as a society stopped caring about being respectful to others and sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.
So yeah, it’d be great if we could get some more down to earth, decent conservative types at the top of our government again, without the bats*it crazy element.