Emissions Law

  • jimmysiewert
    Posts: 607

    I am a moderate Republican. But at this point I HATE both parties. Neither gives a rats ass about any of us. For any of you that think differently – you better try to think differently for once.

    I don’t trust Trump, Musk or his cronies wannabes one bit. I would be saying the same thing if the elections went the other way.

    I hate to say (and I will eat crow as long as it is cooked) – that this is not going to turn out good in the short term – or will be sitting better after Trumps done (and he WILL be done after this term)

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077


    To the pic

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    I have tried to avoid politics all of my life up until the last year or 2, mostly because I feel 1 person cant make a difference. A single vote does not matter it only allows that person to feel better about voicing opinions. A single person in office cannot legally make a difference as it requires both parties to come to some type of concession or agreement to pass anything. If that person in office is in the minority party, then what would ever pass?

    At this point both parties are so far apart and focused on blaming the other that nothing will get done and only the lawyers/judges will have so much work to do going forward because each side sues and counter sues

    I do recall there being a number of things DT said would be resolved on Day 1, the only thing that he resolved so far is pardoning the J6 people (dont care if you think it is deserved or not, its not part of this conversation).

    Nothing is cheaper and everything is expected to go up

    Allowing a business man that holds no position within government but has multiple contracts with said government in control of firing and eliminating workers and departments without fully understanding what they do only to have to try and get some back once its realized they actually were needed is ridiculous. Allowing the same business man to try and void an FAA contract with Verzion and steer it toward his company is not only a conflict of interest, it is insane.

    Posts: 607

    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Bigstorm i agree about the “Day 1” promises by Trump. It was mentioned earlier in this thread Trump has so far done everything he’s said he’d do. No he hasn’t. He promised egg and gas prices would go down on Day 1. Before the angry crowd brings their torches at me, those are his words, not mine.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Bigstorm i agree about the “Day 1” promises by Trump. It was mentioned earlier in this thread Trump has so far done everything he’s said he’d do. No he hasn’t. He promised egg and gas prices would go down on Day 1. Before the angry crowd brings their torches at me, those are his words, not mine.

    It’s a true shame he was the best choice. That’s the big picture problem.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1424

    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Just be happy you were lucky they could go to college as far as health insurance mine has never went down and if your in the private sector then 30k a year out of pocket is nothing. You have to change your spending if you have a boat sell it if you go on vacation cancel them just do what you need to to make ends meet and that might mean a part time job to make up the difference. If your already working 80hrs a week except my apology.

    Posts: 607

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Just be happy you were lucky they could go to college as far as health insurance mine has never went down and if your in the private sector then 30k a year out of pocket is nothing. You have to change your spending if you have a boat sell it if you go on vacation cancel them just do what you need to to make ends meet and that might mean a part time job to make up the difference. If your already working 80hrs a week except my apology.

    You tell me why “I” should make sacrifice for another persons stupidity. I am sorry to sorry that is an asinine response I have ever heard. I’m out.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Politically- I’ve always considered myself independent with conservative tendencies. Growing up on a farm, joining the army, and being mad as hell at 9/11, I’d say I was pretty close to the early 2000’s Republicans- the ones the MAGA crowd would call a RINO today. The gay marriage situation and the folks losing their minds over Sunday liquor sales, all by the supposed party of “freedom, ” really identified that I don’t belong in either side. I can’t agree with either and don’t pretend to.

    By far the thing that matters to me most right now is my kids, boys that are 4 and 6, and their future.

    The oldest wants to be a cop. I love cops and think that’d be great, and I hate to think he’d live in a world where everyone pulls their phones out to video cops because they hate them.

    I think they’ll do great in life and don’t want to see them get passed over on a job because of DEI or other nonsense.

    I also want them to live in a world where people are respectful and decent. Last year driving to the fair we see a huge, huge sign that says “F*ck Biden.” Then later at the store a guy has a shirt on that says “Biden blows, Harris Swallows.” How the f$ck do you explain that sh*t to your kids?

    At some point we as a society stopped caring about being respectful to others and sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.

    So yeah, it’d be great if we could get some more down to earth, decent conservative types at the top of our government again, without the bats*it crazy element.

    Posts: 435

    ments disappear. If the tariffs and deportations work at all there should be plenty of jobs available in the private sector. And yes, I do expect to feel some financial pain from

    Biden admin added a butt load of jobs to make the job statistics look better. Between that and the open border, whoever is next in line has an unpopular mess to fix.


    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 863

    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Sounds painful. With out changing the type of coverage, I have not heard of this type of increases to a health insurance policy this year. It sounds like your company just decided not top chip in as much to the cost of your policy. Can you share on the reason given by the company that you work for for this increase?

    I am not sure on how Musk is impacting either of these increases that you mention. Can you elaborate?

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2218

    I consider myself a somewhat moderate conservative. Can’t help it I was raised that way! smash jester I look at these conversations as mostly blowing off steam. Pretty unlikely I’m changing any minds online. The thing is, regardless of what DT does, we really don’t have much say in it at this time. Just remember, if things do go down the shitter there’s a midterm in a year and a half and control of congress could swing back very easily.

    Posts: 1801

    It is very sad that people don’t care about that. It is very sad that we don’t protect and stand for our wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers.

    My daughter, sister, wife, and mother are all fully in support of letting other people worry about their own gender and sexuality. Not one of them is even remotely threatened by it. On a recent high school extra curricular trip my son’s girlfriend roomed with a trans kid. Neither of them were remotely threatened. I am more concerned about protecting their right to choose what to do with their own bodies—- something a lot of self-professed freedom-loving Americans are actively working to prevent.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    We have an economy that is propped up by government spending.
    For 50+ years we have been in the ballpark of 17% GDP for tax revenue. At the same time we have ballooned to 26% of GDP for government spending.

    This is how crazy our government has been the last 2 years. The Fed raises interest rates to dry up the money but our government has increased its spending every budget bill.
    Trump has his faults but he has been in office for a little over a month.

    If anyone believed that inflation could be fixed on day 1 is not paying attention to how we got here.

    If you want inflation down we need a Reageness approach to it. Low taxes, less government spending and deregulation. Get the private sector cranked up.

    Posts: 5139

    You tell me why “I” should make sacrifice for another persons stupidity. I am sorry to sorry that is an asinine response I have ever heard. I’m out.

    Sacrifice? As in my tax dollars going towards housing and feeding illegals for years in hotels that not even I could ever afford a single night? As in forcing me to get vaxed or I lose my job? As in doubling my property taxes in 5 years and adding a $500+/year school referendum on top of it because our mayor and governor can’t figure out how to follow a budget? As in my grocery bills almost tripling in the last 4 years? Yeah… tell me more about your sacrifice…

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    It is very sad that people don’t care about that. It is very sad that we don’t protect and stand for our wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers.

    My daughter, sister, wife, and mother are all fully in support of letting other people worry about their own gender and sexuality. Not one of them is even remotely threatened by it. On a recent high school extra curricular trip my son’s girlfriend roomed with a trans kid. Neither of them were remotely threatened. I am more concerned about protecting their right to choose what to do with their own bodies—- something a lot of self-professed freedom-loving Americans are actively working to prevent.

    We’re actively trying to curb the mental illness plaguing our youth. Your actively supporting it.
    I highly highly doubt they are all OK with sharing a restroom with a mentality unstable man.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    My daughter, sister, wife, and mother are all fully in support of letting other people worry about their own gender and sexuality. Not one of them is even remotely threatened by it. On a recent high school extra curricular trip my son’s girlfriend roomed with a trans kid. Neither of them were remotely threatened. I am more concerned about protecting their right to choose what to do with their own bodies—- something a lot of self-professed freedom-loving Americans are actively working to prevent.

    Picture that guy that scared the hell out of you not long ago, now pretending to be a woman because that’s what his mental illness wants that day, and him just being free to go touch himself in your daughters rest room with her in their. That’s what people are against, that and these men that become women now dominate in a womans sport. Real fair for our women. No one cares what they think they are. It’s their business. It’s when it becomes others business that’s when the issues start. And as seen all over, those issues are ongoing. That’s my concern.
    As far as their body I’m not going to defend abortion activists. Not sure why that has to be one side vs the other. But if some women want to bang and have 14 abortions, it’s pretty disgusting. If it’s medical concern, incest, rape, then it should go forward. Again not my first choice of fights for either of my daughters. I’m no trump advocate but I also realize not every one is some extremist on either side. I agree with many points on both sides and I adjust my votes accordingly. Sadly trump was the better of 2 evils. We will see how bad or good it gets due time. Last time he was in office I did great, hopefully it can again but who knows.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Why is your insurance raising 34% . My coverage is getting better and prices are the same. They just added lots of funds to my insurance and I greatly approve. This sounds like a employer deal, what was the reasoning? You are the only person I’ve heard say that about their insurance, how’s that trump or musks issue ?

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Its pretty obvious the 2 sides will never come to a compromise, how do we hit the reset button and skip forward or go way back? I would have to say neither side is saying things are getting better in the near future

    Posts: 186

    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Sounds like you need to find a better job. I have never paid a dime for family healthcare and besides a $15 copay and a $75 emergency room bill one time I’ve never got a bill for anything. You’re getting screwed big time! Personally I’m thrilled and 100% percent support the tariffs! What’s a couple thousand dollars compared to the big money you’ll be making when things are made domestically. For me the good old days are here.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Sounds like you need to find a better job. I have never paid a dime for family healthcare and besides a $15 copay and a $75 emergency room bill one time I’ve never got a bill for anything. You’re getting screwed big time! Personally I’m thrilled and 100% percent support the tariffs! What’s a couple thousand dollars compared to the big money you’ll be making when things are made domestically. For me the good old days are here.

    I think you are in the minority by not having to pay much for healthcare, not sure I know anyone in the private sector that has that kind of job/benefits. Also, if you think moving manufacturing jobs back to this country will lower costs, that doesnt make sense to me when the people working here want high pay for low skill jobs. On the side chance your post was just sarcasm, sorry for the response

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    My daughter, sister, wife, and mother are all fully in support of letting other people worry about their own gender and sexuality. Not one of them is even remotely threatened by it. On a recent high school extra curricular trip my son’s girlfriend roomed with a trans kid. Neither of them were remotely threatened. I am more concerned about protecting their right to choose what to do with their own bodies—- something a lot of self-professed freedom-loving Americans are actively working to prevent.

    Are you in favor of 12 year old kids taking puberty blockers, and chopping off their breasts and genitals? Because that’s where we’re at right now.

    Posts: 1179

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    Tariffs just put in place will affect the average family $2,000 per year. On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    Anyone thinks this is ok – please send this single father of 3 (all in college) son’s – PM Me for my address to send your check.

    Yes – I am upset.

    Sounds like you need to find a better job. I have never paid a dime for family healthcare and besides a $15 copay and a $75 emergency room bill one time I’ve never got a bill for anything. You’re getting screwed big time! Personally I’m thrilled and 100% percent support the tariffs! What’s a couple thousand dollars compared to the big money you’ll be making when things are made domestically. For me the good old days are here.

    Man you missed out on many Economics classes.

    Posts: 186

    Zero sarcasm. Probably be a good $20k a year pay raise for people in my field of work now that all the imported garbage isn’t going to get dumped here for free.

    Posts: 102

    The kumbaya lovefest of D’s and Rino’s in here is so cute. I don’t consider myself a fiscal conservative ? I consider myself a person who uses commonsense first. Does it make sense to spend money on a piece of art in a park or on strengthening our depleted military ? Again, Trump is handed a military that is depleted and weakened, that is gonna cost money to fix. I would rather my tax dollars go to securing our country, because no matter how much art is in the park, there are people who want ALL Americans dead. You don’t have to worry about it though, because its all rainbows and kittens in your world. Thank you to all the commonsense folks, who work real jobs and could be fired in a second, if you didn’t do 5 things in a week on the clock… I won’t call them out by name.

    You thought it was common sense to print money to give out not one, but 2 stimulus checks under Trump? While leaving our country in even more debt then when he was inaugurated? Haha Maga people are hilarious. I didn’t support any of the 3 stimulus checks, before you bring that up.

    You thought it was common sense to get in a trade war with China and then print money to give farmers welfare? How did that end? A real common sense group.

    Posts: 186

    Bet you still cashed those checks. If it bothered you so much you should have just tossed em. Typical though. Cry baby sore losers.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    Zero sarcasm. Probably be a good $20k a year pay raise for people in my field of work now that all the imported garbage isn’t going to get dumped here for free.

    Out of curiousity, what field of work?

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    The kumbaya lovefest of D’s and Rino’s in here is so cute. I don’t consider myself a fiscal conservative ? I consider myself a person who uses commonsense first. Does it make sense to spend money on a piece of art in a park or on strengthening our depleted military ? Again, Trump is handed a military that is depleted and weakened, that is gonna cost money to fix. I would rather my tax dollars go to securing our country, because no matter how much art is in the park, there are people who want ALL Americans dead. You don’t have to worry about it though, because its all rainbows and kittens in your world. Thank you to all the commonsense folks, who work real jobs and could be fired in a second, if you didn’t do 5 things in a week on the clock… I won’t call them out by name.

    You thought it was common sense to print money to give out not one, but 2 stimulus checks under Trump? While leaving our country in even more debt then when he was inaugurated? Haha Maga people are hilarious. I didn’t support any of the 3 stimulus checks, before you bring that up.

    You thought it was common sense to get in a trade war with China and then print money to give farmers welfare? How did that end? A real common sense group.

    I wasn’t in favor of any of the stimulus checks under both Trump and Biden. Maybe I am bias since I never got a check.

    This farm bill you speak of, are you talking about the 31 billion that got pushed through on January 3rd? Farmers have been getting bailouts for years. At least it’s money spent on Americans and not some transgender study in the Middle East.

    Posts: 1801

    Bearcat, grubson, crawdaddy—- we are light years apart on this, let’s just leave it at that. My point was that I don’t see a role for the POTUS in policing gender or sexuality and as such I didn’t factor it into my voting decision. Trump is good at identifying opportunities to exploit rage. It’s a great distraction tactic. Meanwhile we’re looking at Ontario applying a 25% surcharge on all the energy they supply to this state as a retaliation to the tariffs.

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