Emissions Law

  • Umy
    South Metro
    Posts: 2098

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Umy wrote:</div>
    He has:
    $35 million home in Florida
    $1.2 billion in an overseas bank account
    Owns 15 homes
    3 private planes
    And a monthly income in the millions

    Don’t forget his cousin is Soros if you’re repeating bullshit from Facebook!

    Not on Facebook
    Besides, the Dems work for Sauron’s (who is also heavily invested in Tesla…. ( it is a tangled web we weave)
    I stand by my statement. The numbers may not be exact but they are there. His attitude and approach to his benefactors left much to be desired. I was glad my leader had balls and left our checkbook at home.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3160

    I stand by my statement. The numbers may not be exact but they are there.

    Ok, here is the softest of softballs: what is the Florida property? If you know he owns one and the value then you must know what the property actually is. Link it here.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12397

    Sorry Bigwerm – the accord was continued and agreed upon again in the mid 2000’s. I hope you don’t become a politician if you think it is ok to break promises/treaty’s.

    No apology needed Jimmy, the accord was violated, by the USA, in 2013 and 2014, and then Russia did in 2014 as well. I’m sure you hold Obama to account for that tho…And nowhere did I say breaking treaties/promises was good or ok, just that it’s what our govt does best. Like expanding NATO eastward toward Russia after promising not another inch.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12397

    And again don’t misinterpret this to being sympathetic to Putin, just saying there is fault on both sides. And therefore concessions need to be made on both sides. In Diplomacy. Not war. I have 2 boys and without diplomacy this war will still be ongoing by the time they are fighting age.

    Posts: 1027

    Liberals don’t support ending war and bringing peace if trump is the one that does it.

    Liberals support government waste of our tax dollars if trump is the one cleaning it up.

    Liberals don’t like teslas anymore now that Elon is on trumps team.

    TDS is causing a lot of, politics over country. Interesting to watch the mental gymnastics.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1910

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>stout93 wrote:</div>
    Zelensky will be gone in a few months…

    Oh wait…he cancelled the elections…but what about “DEMOCRACY“???

    They don’t hold elections during war. Is that really that hard to understand? You would have to be a complete idiot to think Putin wouldn’t screw with the election. Not to mention presenting the opportunities for bombing people in polling stations.

    I can’t figure out if people are really this stupid, or really that naive.

    Mail in ballots. Those are totally legit right?

    South Metro
    Posts: 2098

    Werm and Finny -couldn’t agree more.
    Reef – I support NOTHING fact checked by Newsweek ( the top landing page you will find) the same rag that did a sympathy piece on the Pettit ( sp) murder supporting the two illegals who raped and killed a mother and two daughters in their home.
    As far as a link I cannot provide one w any certainty and must conclude that I too had been duped by bad intel.
    That being said over half of the $175 Billion we have given them is unaccounted for.
    As I have said many times before, patience. The truth will come out. I am confidant that, while I am wrong on this one point I will not be in the bigger picture. Mr. Z is/has been playing us the whole time ( more accurately playing Biden and his team).Had we not talked about NATO Putin would not have had an excuse, (such as it was though ) to attack. If China said it was aligning w Mexico and put troops on our border what would we do? Cuban missile crisis anyone? And NO I do not support Putin in ANY way – a thug and dictator.
    A cluster -yuck in so many ways by so many people. We are just casting coins into a well we know nothing about.
    I will add no more to this thread as I have embarrassed myself enough.
    Go America!

    Posts: 84

    Werm and Finny -couldn’t agree more.
    Reef – I support NOTHING fact checked by Newsweek ( the top landing page you will find) the same rag that did a sympathy piece on the Pettit ( sp) murder supporting the two illegals who raped and killed a mother and two daughters in their home.
    As far as a link I cannot provide one w any certainty and must conclude that I too had been duped by bad intel.
    That being said over half of the $175 Billion we have given them is unaccounted for.
    As I have said many times before, patience. The truth will come out. I am confidant that, while I am wrong on this one point I will not be in the bigger picture. Mr. Z is/has been playing us the whole time ( more accurately playing Biden and his team).Had we not talked about NATO Putin would not have had an excuse, (such as it was though ) to attack. If China said it was aligning w Mexico and put troops on our border what would we do? Cuban missile crisis anyone? And NO I do not support Putin in ANY way – a thug and dictator.
    A cluster -yuck in so many ways by so many people. We are just casting coins into a well we know nothing about.
    I will add no more to this thread as I have embarrassed myself enough.
    Go America!

    Russia has controlled or tried to control Ukraine for generations. This has nothing to do with Nato. Putin is just trying to take what he believes is rightfully Russia’s to take. I wouldn’t back down either if I was Zelensky. They fought with lives to drive the Putin puppet out less then 15 years ago and are trying to maintain a democracy. That used to be something the U.S. stood for.

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