<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.
Please, do expand.
From what I see on here I respect you, your service, and your opinions for the most part, but do you not see the absolute lunacy of the left? I mean the general majority of moderate to even mild left? They’re bat sh!t crazy. Sure, some on the right go way too far as well, but not nearly as often IMO.
I happen to be on Reddit, which let’s be honest is usually a leftist echo chamber, but I also subscribe to r/conservative and man is it a breath of fresh air on there. People actually respectfully debate each other and discuss controversial topics most times. Yes, they’ll even call out DT when he says something off the wall. But rarely, if ever, will they completely shut someone out when they express an opposing opinion. That’s what all the hive mind(usually lefty) subs do. You will be banned, told to shut up, reported as suicidal or racist, etc. before you even have the chance to explain yourself. That is exactly what mainstream media does too now, constantly. Don’t agree? Shut up and be gone. And they wanna talk about fascism…
Just call it like I see it bro. Thanks again for your service!
I greatly appreciate your comments, honesty and respectful manner.
I had to go back and look specifically at what I had said beyond what you had quoted. I started out by referencing driving and seeing huge signs saying “f*ck Biden” and shirts and hats like that. Doesn’t matter the side that does stuff like that, it’s wrong and not a good, honest way of living. We had a good family trip up north last summer and got to talking to a great guy at the resort boat launch, and i could tell my 6- year- old was trying to read what the guy’s hat said, which was “Joe and the Hoe must go.” Anyone can feel free to call me soft or a snowflake. I don’t think i am, I’m just asking for a society that lives and shows respect no matter the situation. It never seemed to be a problem with those supporting Bush, Kerry, Obama, McCain,etc but it seems SOME in the MAGA crowd just don’t care. And I do. People can rip me all they want, but I think it’s best to respect others.
Of course, as you said, it’s on both sides. I don’t agree with a lot of Democrat priorities anyway but I don’t even know where the far- left comes up with their stuff. Student loan forgiveness, open borders, defund the police, DEI, tribal influence in Minnesota, etc.
Maybe it’s just where I live and what I come across. Regardless of what I believe in, most of my experiences that I wish my kids wouldn’t have to see is around the “f*ck your feelings” crowd.