Emissions Law

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    The only response I got that didn’t leave me shaking my head, so thanks. And sorry about your family member, that’s terrible.

    I really have nothing more to add to this convo at this point. Common sense sure has become subjective, I’ll leave it at that.

    Why would my reply make you shake your head ? My real life experience isn’t as positive as your daughters friend or neice or who ever it may have been. But it’s the truth. And pretty gross truth at that. No need to shake your head, it does no good.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    First, I think you’ve got the current POTUS and the previous POTUS confused. Trump can spend time on boys wanting to compete against girls because he’s got no problem working 12 hours a day. Biden on the other hand had clear mental focus about 4 hours a day, on a good one. Also, men in women’s sports isn’t some small issue. Girls are being injured, college scholarships were stolen by men, sexual assaults in bathrooms.

    And lastly, I do know a specific instance of a boy pretending to be a girl having a negative impact on a sports team in MN.

    A VAST majority of all Americans believe women’s sports, bathrooms and locker rooms should not be invaded by men.

    Posts: 607

    Speaking of this post on “Emissions”….
    I bet you all heard Trump say the Big 3 US Automaker CEO’s were all excited about the tariffs last night in his speech and wanted them.

    Well – that turned out to be a BIG lie and they had a call with Trump today saying the absolute opposite – and now Trump is talking about keeping auto supplies, etc. out of the tariff war

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
    sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.

    Please, do expand.

    From what I see on here I respect you, your service, and your opinions for the most part, but do you not see the absolute lunacy of the left? I mean the general majority of moderate to even mild left? They’re bat sh!t crazy. Sure, some on the right go way too far as well, but not nearly as often IMO.

    I happen to be on Reddit, which let’s be honest is usually a leftist echo chamber, but I also subscribe to r/conservative and man is it a breath of fresh air on there. People actually respectfully debate each other and discuss controversial topics most times. Yes, they’ll even call out DT when he says something off the wall. But rarely, if ever, will they completely shut someone out when they express an opposing opinion. That’s what all the hive mind(usually lefty) subs do. You will be banned, told to shut up, reported as suicidal or racist, etc. before you even have the chance to explain yourself. That is exactly what mainstream media does too now, constantly. Don’t agree? Shut up and be gone. And they wanna talk about fascism…

    Just call it like I see it bro. Thanks again for your service!

    I greatly appreciate your comments, honesty and respectful manner.

    I had to go back and look specifically at what I had said beyond what you had quoted. I started out by referencing driving and seeing huge signs saying “f*ck Biden” and shirts and hats like that. Doesn’t matter the side that does stuff like that, it’s wrong and not a good, honest way of living. We had a good family trip up north last summer and got to talking to a great guy at the resort boat launch, and i could tell my 6- year- old was trying to read what the guy’s hat said, which was “Joe and the Hoe must go.” Anyone can feel free to call me soft or a snowflake. I don’t think i am, I’m just asking for a society that lives and shows respect no matter the situation. It never seemed to be a problem with those supporting Bush, Kerry, Obama, McCain,etc but it seems SOME in the MAGA crowd just don’t care. And I do. People can rip me all they want, but I think it’s best to respect others.

    Of course, as you said, it’s on both sides. I don’t agree with a lot of Democrat priorities anyway but I don’t even know where the far- left comes up with their stuff. Student loan forgiveness, open borders, defund the police, DEI, tribal influence in Minnesota, etc.

    Maybe it’s just where I live and what I come across. Regardless of what I believe in, most of my experiences that I wish my kids wouldn’t have to see is around the “f*ck your feelings” crowd.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    For those that want cheaper egg prices they should thank Biden. After all 166 million chickens were killed under his watch.

    Once one gets it, they all have it. There’s no other way to mitigate it other than prevention and bio security.

    The reason it’s so devastating for commercial poultry is because of how they are raised: in close proximity, indoors.

    There’s now evidence of the virus riding wind currents from one property to the next, miles away.

    This problem is going to get worse before it gets better. It really has nothing to do with politics either.

    A common theme with many of these diseases is where they originate. Thank you, China.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Speaking of this post on “Emissions”….
    I bet you all heard Trump say the Big 3 US Automaker CEO’s were all excited about the tariffs last night in his speech and wanted them.

    Well – that turned out to be a BIG lie and they had a call with Trump today saying the absolute opposite – and now Trump is talking about keeping auto supplies, etc. out of the tariff war

    They’re all dependent on crap parts and cheap labor from overseas and Mexico.
    With the crap they are building now, honestly I think if anyone deserves the tariffs its the big 3.
    They can’t raise prices anymore, they are all sitting on unsold inventory.
    They need to completely overhaul their businesses or die.
    Meanwhile Honda is busy building factories in north America.
    The big 3 could be in for a world of hurt in the near future, and frankly in my opinion, they deserve it.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    This problem is going to get worse before it gets better. It really has nothing to do with politics either.

    A common theme with many of these diseases is where they originate. Thank you, China.

    You’re correct. It will get worse. They will continue to send the world their gifts of viruses.
    It’s not political-technically, it’s basically war at this point. Buying up farm land, killing food supplies, creating viruses, etc. They’re doing their best to kill America without us realizing it. Call me crazy but if it smells like poo, we all know, it’s poo.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Speaking of this post on “Emissions”….
    I bet you all heard Trump say the Big 3 US Automaker CEO’s were all excited about the tariffs last night in his speech and wanted them.

    Well – that turned out to be a BIG lie and they had a call with Trump today saying the absolute opposite – and now Trump is talking about keeping auto supplies, etc. out of the tariff war

    I guess I don’t feel to bad. Like grubson stated they already sent prices through the roof, car lots are full of un purchased inventory and the parts they import on these 80k vehicles are bad off the lot. It was a business plan that didn’t pan out I guess.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    This problem is going to get worse before it gets better. It really has nothing to do with politics either.

    A common theme with many of these diseases is where they originate. Thank you, China.

    You’re correct. It will get worse. They will continue to send the world their gifts of viruses.
    It’s not political-technically, it’s basically war at this point. Buying up farm land, killing food supplies, creating viruses, etc. They’re doing their best to kill America without us realizing it. Call me crazy but if it smells like poo, we all know, it’s poo.


    LOL yep if it smells like it…

    Once again, thank you China. flame

    Posts: 607

    Speaking of this post on “Emissions”….
    I bet you all heard Trump say the Big 3 US Automaker CEO’s were all excited about the tariffs last night in his speech and wanted them.

    Well – that turned out to be a BIG lie and they had a call with Trump today saying the absolute opposite – and now Trump is talking about keeping auto supplies, etc. out of the tariff war

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    Speaking of this post on “Emissions”….
    I bet you all heard Trump say the Big 3 US Automaker CEO’s were all excited about the tariffs last night in his speech and wanted them.

    Well – that turned out to be a BIG lie and they had a call with Trump today saying the absolute opposite – and now Trump is talking about keeping auto supplies, etc. out of the tariff war

    They’re all dependent on crap parts and cheap labor from overseas and Mexico.
    With the crap they are building now, honestly I think if anyone deserves the tariffs its the big 3.
    They can’t raise prices anymore, they are all sitting on unsold inventory.
    They need to completely overhaul their businesses or die.
    Meanwhile Honda is busy building factories in north America.
    The big 3 could be in for a world of hurt in the near future, and frankly in my opinion, they deserve it.

    Again – the consumer will pay up to $3,000 more for a car. I hope all know all the tariff money collected goes right to the treasury – so in the end, on everything affected by the tariffs, is basically a tax on the product. And then the consumers end up paying to cover that tax. Basically – more taxes for all of us. Republicans should be up in arms as always preaching anti-tax!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1424

    I thought Jimmy was out last night

    Posts: 607

    You got it. IDO is turning into what we all hoped it would never be and I am part of that reason. At least I can admit it.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Again – the consumer will pay up to $3,000 more for a car. I hope all know all the tariff money collected goes right to the treasury – so in the end, on everything affected by the tariffs, is basically a tax on the product. And then the consumers end up paying to cover that tax. Basically – more taxes for all of us. Republicans should be up in arms as always preaching anti-tax!

    Or the consumer won’t and they’re already all sitting on unsold 2023 and 2024’s. The price is too high already. More people will wait, fix their older vehicles, and buy used. Sales are stagnant already and they know increasing the prices will only make it worse. Their greed since covid is gonna bite them.
    Prices have increased 34% since 2019 and the quality has dropped dramatically. One could call it Karma.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    You got it. IDO is turning into what we all hoped it would never be and I am part of that reason. At least I can admit it.

    A place where us crazy fisherman can conversate about life while trying to distract ourselves from the desire to be fishing?

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    I have been looking at what is going to be hit with tariffs off and on all day.
    No new vehicle for me. My Tundra is paid for and it doesn’t break down.

    I really don’t see many things that are going to affect me. A few grocery items is all I can come up with other than gas. Considering how volatile oil markets are and as Gim pointed out earlier OPEC + is going to pump more oil. I don’t know if the tariffs will even be noticeable.

    I do know one thing the US dollar should go up in value and it will open up manufacturing in the US again.

    Bottom line is I knew when I voted for Trump that there would be Tariffs coming.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    Trudeau is a lame duck, gone in a week or two. A lot of tariff negotiations will depend on the new PM.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Posts: 516

    I personally do not feel men should not compete against women when above certain age because one groups rights cant supersede another groups rights But it has taken way more focus then it deserves.

    While it’s unclear how many are transgender, NCAA President Charlie Baker told a Senate committee in December that he is aware of fewer than 10.Feb 11, 2025. This is out of estimated 500,000 atheletes. That’s .002%. Yes if one of the 10 took your scholarship it sucks and unfair.

    But I could only imagine how many children and other people died due to denied healthcare procedures. I mean there has to be bigger issues to focus on as a goverment. Both by the left and right.

    And by the way when one hears of a person having a tough situation. When did it become OK to say I have it worse then you so no sympathy from me. Sometimes it OK to just say I’m sorry to hear that. Empathy use to be positive trait for a person. You can want government employee cuts to stream line our goverment and stil feel sorry for their hard times.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    You got it. IDO is turning into what we all hoped it would never be and I am part of that reason. At least I can admit it.

    The sky is not falling sir, every thing you say is as negative as it gets. You try really hard to make some really negative points. And none are actually that bad. We as a whole will make it through what ever is in front of us, just like we have been. And to have 10 pages of conversations isn’t that bad. This place is a dying forum has been for a long time. It’s still nice to come here and associate with other sportsman that are still active. Many of us have very different opinions, and it’s great to talk about them, most discussions are pretty civil. Sometimes they get out of hand. But I’ve come to realize if posts like these didn’t exist then we’d have 1 new topic per week.

    Posts: 102

    Transgender mice? LOL Maga people struggling to read. Shocker.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Transgender mice? LOL Maga people struggling to read. Shocker.

    Good one!!!
    Usually your crowd comes down to insults. Nothing out of the ordinary. Why can’t we all just be friends. To bad politicians drive such a divide.

    Posts: 2018

    You guys need to get the boats out and quit bickering . jester

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924


    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    How did we get to transsexual mice? This has to be a record, most topics discussed in one thread. doah

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    You guys need to get the boats out and quit bickering . jester

    In 24hrs I’ll be fishing in SD. It can’t come soon enough at this point

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    How did we get to transsexual mice? This has to be a record, most topics discussed in one thread.

    It’s been a roller coaster. Pretty entertaining

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    Those transsexual mice sure do occupy a lot of people’s time.
    Between being discussed on chat forums, being discussed in government committee hearings and tax dollars funding it.


    Work is slow so this marathon of a thread occupies my day to an extent.
    I am happy the insults have been kept in check so the mods didn’t have to lock it up.
    Waiting for the new batteries to arrive and the boat will be going in the water.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2218

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>

    How did we get to transsexual mice? This has to be a record, most topics discussed in one thread.

    It’s been a roller coaster. Pretty entertaining

    Checking in to see if we’ve come to some sort of agreement. Not yet I see. Love a good debate but I can’t keep up with you guys! Carry on. coffee jester

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    You think the LOW big pike will prefer hot dogs, live suckers or salted shiners? toast

    Posts: 24594

    You think the LOW big pike will prefer hot dogs, live suckers or salted shiners?

    I think we all agree the answer is YES!

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