Emissions Law

    Posts: 4357

    . When another poster (Jeremy) basically said anyone who didn’t agree with his stance is an idiot

    I said anyone who thinks its ok for an adult male to tuck his weiner and say hes a girl to share a womans bathroom with my little girls or any one elses is an idiot. I meant it. I sure as hell hope you dont think thats ok.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    WOW, did DT get ALOT done in 6 1/2 weeks ! I think a corrupt backwards party was exposed last night

    Trump promised lower prices on day 1… prices have gone up significantly and will continue to rise as the dust settles on these tariffs. How is that winning?

    He said he would start working on that day 1… believe me, he is. He also asked why Kamala was making that promise if elected… why wasn’t she doing it already ??? She was in the office for 4 years !!! WINNING !!!

    Posts: 24594

    1. All I did was share the direct experience of myself and my family members on this issue. I didn’t say I was the smartest or l that anyone else was not smart. When another poster (Jeremy) basically said anyone who didn’t agree with his stance is an idiot, and when you and cpt musky claim your take is “common sense” it implies the contrary opinion lacks common sense and is… unintelligent. I’m not taking the bait and getting into a disrespectful tit for tat here, but for you to claim you’re taking the high road is pretty rich here.

    2. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who has shared a personal experience with their interaction with a trans person. You talk about 100s of cases of traumatizing behavior but cite no personal experience. Cptn musky repeated some headlines about sporting events that were pulled from god knows where. Maybe true, maybe not. If it’s so rampant I’d think someone here would be some kind of first-hand experience to share? I know one thing, sporting events should not be the concern of the POTUS, period.

    I have encountered many trans people whether they told me the fact or not it was obvious. I didnt judge them, they were great to me and I was to them. This has NOTHING to do with them as an individual and everything to do with them competing in something where they have a biological advantage in or in a “safe space” for biological females without their discretion and that is common sense.
    Did you not see the testimony where some Senator was challenging Riley Gaines about whether or not a man could beat one of the Williams sisters (Serena or Venus)? Riley eloquently replied, “yeah, they both lost to the 110th ranked male tennis player”. She also has first hand experience in that she is a swimmer and very good one, her husband is also a swimmer and very good in his own right, but nowhere near the level she is in the female ranks. He absolutely smokes her when they swim together.
    Here is an example of a trans prisoner raping women prisoners, yet, I apparently made that up. … https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-64796926

    Posts: 1822

    I said anyone who thinks its ok for an adult male to tuck his weiner and say hes a girl to share a womans bathroom with my little girls or any one elses is an idiot. I meant it. I sure as hell hope you dont think thats ok.

    Anyone looking in little kids’ underwear for the position or existence of their penis or vagina is deranged and probably a pervert, most definitely is an idiot.

    Posts: 5307

    Every lib that doesn’t have children in sports thinks mind ur own business. Their kids usually do band, theatre, chess, etc. But even the libs with kids in sports is fine with the separation of genders specifically to sports. If you know you know, and if you don’t youre frankly an idiot making any type of arguement against it.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    He said he would start working on that day 1

    No he didn’t. He said he’d lower prices on day 1. Again, his words, not mine.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    I said anyone who thinks its ok for an adult male to tuck his weiner and say hes a girl to share a womans bathroom with my little girls or any one elses is an idiot. I meant it. I sure as hell hope you dont think thats ok.

    Anyone looking in little kids’ underwear for the position or existence of their penis or vagina is deranged and probably a pervert, most definitely is an idiot.

    With that quote I’ll bite my tongue and bow out. Wow, you need help Rat.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    He said he would start working on that day 1

    No he didn’t. He said he’d lower prices on day 1. Again, his words, not mine.

    Anyone who took that as the eggs will go from $8 a dozen to $3 a dozen on day one, is probably just as likely to believe Kamala’s claim of stopping the gouging !!! We all know what he meant and he will deliver. 6 weeks in and people are screaming that he is not keeping his promises… have you seen the ones that he could address immediately with Executive Orders ?? WINNING !!!

    Rat… you do need help. An adult male tucking his weiner to beat women in sports to meaning looking in a kids underwear ? WOW.

    Posts: 1822

    I’m not curious what anybody is packing in their pants, I’m not the one that took a pretty tame political post about vehicle emissions and turned it into dicks and vag. I am however now the one concerned that the next time my mom goes to Target some random IDO’er is going to reach up her dress and check her status because she grew a few chin hairs in her old age and enjoys a sporty haircut.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077

    Is she good looking? Asking for a buddy

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    I’m not curious what anybody is packing in their pants, I’m not the one that took a pretty tame political post about vehicle emissions and turned it into dicks and vag. I am however now the one concerned that the next time my mom goes to Target some random IDO’er is going to reach up her dress and check her status because she grew a few chin hairs in her old age and enjoys a sporty haircut.

    Your mom. Let me guess, and roommate?

    Posts: 1822

    Is she good looking? Asking for a buddy

    She always has some unwrapped candies floating around in her purse so there’s that.

    Posts: 1822

    Yes Grubson I do live with my mom. You can try to look down on it if you want but I am a good person that actually cares for their parents. She recently broke both legs when she fell so not alot of other choices. Good job trying to shame me for being a good kid that took care of his parent instead of tossing them in a home.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    Your reaching now. I didn’t see anybody say people cannot identify as they want… it’s when the guys start suiting up in the shorty shorts and spiking balls in the face of women in volleyball.. causing traumatic brain injuries. Or racing against them in Triathlon type events and beating the women’s record by over 5 hours ! That’s idiotic and deep down, you know it.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    For those that want cheaper egg prices they should thank Biden. After all 166 million chickens were killed under his watch.

    1. IMG_4682.png

    Posts: 1801

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    Some people have common sense… some not. Your sorting yourselves out.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    Have you heard of title IX? Biden tried changing the rules of title IX at the last minute that would have allowed boys in girls sports. A Kentucky district judge over turned it. Now you have Trump enforcing the original title IX rules and in the process banning males from competing in female sports.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    The only trans I know personally I grew up with, he was a disgusting pervert who caught multiple sexual assault charges including those on younger kids. He is now a woman, so they say. I could only imagine why that sick freak wants to dress as a woman and go in to the ladies room and change in their gym locker rooms. Luckily he is accepted by the society because it’s the nice thing to do. Until he gets a little to aggressive with some poor lady or young girl. Till then you can find him working at target in forest lake. He is really hard to miss.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5147

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    I don’t think you need to have first hand experience to have a belief. For me, this is an issue of principle.

    I do have an experience in my extended family of someone struggling with gender identity. She ultimately took her own life. The politicization of this issue disappoints me on both sides.

    I’ll also add that politically this issue really hurt the democrats. I could care less how people want to identify themselves. Live your life but don’t shove it down my throat. It’s similar to when the republicans tried to ban gay marriage in 2012. It hurt them because they didn’t address real issues people care about.

    So, could this directly impact my daughter? I don’t know. But in principle, I disagree with the democrats stance.

    I hope that’s a bit more pragmatic of an answer for you, DW.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Someone make a coherent argument in favor of the president of the United States of America spending even 10 seconds worrying about sporting events at any level. Guess this is one of those highly important issues we shouldn’t let the states decide on, unlike access to birth control and abortion. Tough to keep it all straight I tell ya!

    And I still haven’t heard anyone chime in with their first-hand account of how a trans kid ruined their daughter’s competitive sports experience.

    He has granddaughters and he cares about their safety and getting a fare shake in competitive sports.

    There’s stories all over the country. Open your eyes.

    I had a teacher in middle school who left for the summer Mr. and came back Mrs. Immediately there was complaints of inappropriate talking and touching with students. Fortunately the district was smart enough to send him packing. Dude lost his marbles.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Why isn’t there women trying to compete in men’s sports?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077

    Why isn’t there women trying to compete in men’s sports?


    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
    Why isn’t there women trying to compete in men’s sports?


    I think most of us know that answer. I’m asking those who think the opposite is OK.

    Posts: 1801

    I don’t think you need to have first hand experience to have a belief. For me, this is an issue of principle.

    I do have an experience in my extended family of someone struggling with gender identity. She ultimately took her own life. The politicization of this issue disappoints me on both sides.

    I’ll also add that politically this issue really hurt the democrats. I could care less how people want to identify themselves. Live your life but don’t shove it down my throat. It’s similar to when the republicans tried to ban gay marriage in 2012. It hurt them because they didn’t address real issues people care about.

    So, could this directly impact my daughter? I don’t know. But in principle, I disagree with the democrats stance.

    I hope that’s a bit more pragmatic of an answer for you, DW.

    The only response I got that didn’t leave me shaking my head, so thanks. And sorry about your family member, that’s terrible.

    I really have nothing more to add to this convo at this point. Common sense sure has become subjective, I’ll leave it at that.

    Posts: 2814

    These types of threads are my eating/shitting material.

    Not at the same time tho, unless I’m feeling feisty.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Men want to compete against women because the can’t lose.
    Women don’t want to compete against men because they can’t win.
    It blows my mind that we even need to have this conversation. NOBODY will ever convince me that I’m wrong on this. I’ll happily die on that hill for my daughters.

    What if your daughter decides she wants to take up mixed martial arts or football, or hockey and compete against men? Are you seriously saying that you would encourage that?

    Posts: 2814

    sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.

    Please, do expand.

    From what I see on here I respect you, your service, and your opinions for the most part, but do you not see the absolute lunacy of the left? I mean the general majority of moderate to even mild left? They’re bat sh!t crazy. Sure, some on the right go way too far as well, but not nearly as often IMO.

    I happen to be on Reddit, which let’s be honest is usually a leftist echo chamber, but I also subscribe to r/conservative and man is it a breath of fresh air on there. People actually respectfully debate each other and discuss controversial topics most times. Yes, they’ll even call out DT when he says something off the wall. But rarely, if ever, will they completely shut someone out when they express an opposing opinion. That’s what all the hive mind(usually lefty) subs do. You will be banned, told to shut up, reported as suicidal or racist, etc. before you even have the chance to explain yourself. That is exactly what mainstream media does too now, constantly. Don’t agree? Shut up and be gone. And they wanna talk about fascism…

    Just call it like I see it bro. Thanks again for your service!

    Posts: 1179

    Men want to compete against women because the can’t lose.
    Women don’t want to compete against men because they can’t win.
    It blows my mind that we even need to have this conversation. NOBODY will ever convince me that I’m wrong on this. I’ll happily die on that hill for my daughters.

    What if your daughter decides she wants to take up mixed martial arts or football, or hockey and compete against men? Are you seriously saying that you would encourage that?

    I’ve lost track of who is against who by now, but to be clear there are MANY girls competing in boys wrestling, football, and hockey. And I think that’s pretty cool. More often than not it has to do with athletic funding. Maybe I am interpreting you wrong.

    Anyways, let’s all touch some grass, or maybe a rod.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
    Men want to compete against women because the can’t lose.
    Women don’t want to compete against men because they can’t win.
    It blows my mind that we even need to have this conversation. NOBODY will ever convince me that I’m wrong on this. I’ll happily die on that hill for my daughters.

    What if your daughter decides she wants to take up mixed martial arts or football, or hockey and compete against men? Are you seriously saying that you would encourage that?

    I’ve lost track of who is against who by now, but to be clear there are MANY girls competing in boys wrestling, football, and hockey. And I think that’s pretty cool. More often than not it has to do with athletic funding. Maybe I am interpreting you wrong.

    Anyways, let’s all touch some grass, or maybe a rod.

    I bet we can agree that things change when “boys” grow into men.

    Man I must have really failed in sending my message if you can’t tell which side I sit on this issue.
    This is a debate between common sense and woke delusion at the moment. It’s been a roller coaster of different topics and I will agree its hard to keep up.

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