sorry guys, most of what I see comes from one specific side.
Please, do expand.
From what I see on here I respect you, your service, and your opinions for the most part, but do you not see the absolute lunacy of the left? I mean the general majority of moderate to even mild left? They’re bat sh!t crazy. Sure, some on the right go way too far as well, but not nearly as often IMO.
I happen to be on Reddit, which let’s be honest is usually a leftist echo chamber, but I also subscribe to r/conservative and man is it a breath of fresh air on there. People actually respectfully debate each other and discuss controversial topics most times. Yes, they’ll even call out DT when he says something off the wall. But rarely, if ever, will they completely shut someone out when they express an opposing opinion. That’s what all the hive mind(usually lefty) subs do. You will be banned, told to shut up, reported as suicidal or racist, etc. before you even have the chance to explain yourself. That is exactly what mainstream media does too now, constantly. Don’t agree? Shut up and be gone. And they wanna talk about fascism…
Just call it like I see it bro. Thanks again for your service!