Emissions Law

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24594

    you claim people with views like mine are failing the women and children in their family. And I’m the one looking down from a high horse? Cmon man.

    That’s not looking down from a high horse, that is common sense. Biological boys or men have no place in girls or womens sports or locker rooms period. We have criminals who are now identifying as trans and are in a federal prison raping women while they are incarcerated. Go figure.
    A trans boy just beat the 2nd place girl in a long jump by 8 FEET for some state title. While another was playing for a girls basketball team and injured 3 players on the other team and the team couldnt put 5 on the court and THEY had to forfeit the game.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    I personally think these tariff threats are a bluff as are Canada’s threats of retaliation.
    Time will tell.

    I generally agree with this, as they are supposed to be used as a negotiation tool with trade partners.

    I’m not a refinery engineer so I can’t comment on how difficult it would be to alter equipment that can process a completely difference source of crude. What I read is that it would take years to make that change. It’s not something that be done in a week.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I’m not talking scare tactics, I’m talking about what I see when I’m out with my kids. I’m mo extremist and neither are half the people you look at from your high horse. We are just fed up with that and we support our kids and wives. There are a couple of you guys who seem to have every political answer and are just superior, it’s comical. I understand you support men in your daughters locker rooms, but not i.

    you claim people with views like mine are failing the women and children in their family. And I’m the one looking down from a high horse? Cmon man.

    I’m not on any high horse nor am I talking down to any one or claiming my view is the absolute smartest. But my points are pretty straight forward common sense. Until you point out you know a girl who rooms with a tranny and it’s no issue. But you blatantly ignore the 100s of cases where it’s a major issue. Hard to say that stuff is non sense when it’s literally what your entire party tried to rally behind to get their votes. It’s absolutely disgusting

    Posts: 24594

    When was the last time we actually built a new refinery? I am sure there has been a ton of advancement in that area it would serve us well to start investing in that. I have heard the same about the difference in crude and refining, whether it to be factual I am not sure. I sorta have a hard time believing that we can refine oil from all over the globe except for our own.

    Posts: 102

    When was the last time we actually built a new refinery? I am sure there has been a ton of advancement in that area it would serve us well to start investing in that. I have heard the same about the difference in crude and refining, whether it to be factual I am not sure. I sorta have a hard time believing that we can refine oil from all over the globe except for our own.

    My understanding is it’s set up for a blend of cheaper Canadian oil with our more expensive domestic oil. I’m sure they could retrofit, but I’m guessing they would drag their feet knowing this can all change in 24 hours. In the meantime, I’m guessing everyone just passes the cost onto the consumer and calls it good.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    WOW, did DT get ALOT done in 6 1/2 weeks ! I think a corrupt backwards party was exposed last night… tongue

    best line… “Pocahontas says Yes”

    Posts: 5139

    WOW, did DT get ALOT done in 6 1/2 weeks ! I think a corrupt backwards party was exposed last night… tongue

    best line… “Pocahontas says Yes”

    And a certain party didn’t even applaud for a 13 year old boy going through brain cancer getting an honorary secret service position. They’d rather praise and build statues of a meth head who died of an OD while fighting police.

    Posts: 24594

    Even if a refinery could be flipped over easily how would the oil get there? There’s a lot of pipeline in place for the current arrangement.

    Trains. I sat through a Railroad crossing in Kimball last Saturday for 15 minutes and 90% of the cars were oil cars.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    Trains. I sat through a Railroad crossing in Kimball last Saturday for 15 minutes and 90% of the cars were oil cars.

    Ok, I typed that wrong lol There are clearly many ways it could get there. How would it get there as efficiently as putting it in an existing pipeline?

    Posts: 1822

    Pretty sure I saw a convoy hauling a refinery this week down 94. I’ve had to make several trips to Fargo this week and every day dozens of trucks went by with what looked like separator tanks and storage tanks and piping and control equipment.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1894

    Even if a refinery could be flipped over easily how would the oil get there? There’s a lot of pipeline in place for the current arrangement.

    Maybe we should have gone through with the keystone? What happened there again?

    Posts: 24594

    Ok, I typed that wrong lol There are clearly many ways it could get there. How would it get there as efficiently as putting it in an existing pipeline?

    Probably isnt a way, but they send so much oil by rail that it isnt even an issue. Its not like they would just start sending it rail, the majority of the cars going along hwy 10 and 12 are carrying oil.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11077

    I will help in building a new Refinery right after I get done hugging this tree.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I watched the Democrats response last night and thought it was MAGA at first bc she was saying the exact same things Trump just got done saying…

    1. IMG_9410.png

    2. IMG_9411.png

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    . On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    How is your 34% jump in Obamacare coverage Trump and Musk’s fault exactly? A lot of the issues you raise are significant and I agree they need to be dealt with, but you seem to have a lot of misplaced anger not directed at the cause of the problems.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    Here is a head scratcher for you.
    The democrat women in Congress wore pink last night to support women.
    But they all voted against stopping males in female sports this week.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Here is a head scratcher for you.
    The democrat women in Congress wore pink last night to support women.
    But they all voted against stopping males in female sports this week.

    They seem to favor who ever will benefit them. All while not making sense on the opposite. Being a union guy I’m always told to stay in the democrat lane and vote blue no matter what. And I used to, until they started becoming extremists. Now I have to pick and choose who I vote for. Even if it means voting against my own job.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    Maybe we should have gone through with the keystone? What happened there again?

    The cancelled pipeline expansion from Alberta? I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the feasability of refining oil not from there. I guess you’ll have to explain how that would have helped.

    Posts: 4357

    Here is a head scratcher for you.
    The democrat women in Congress wore pink last night to support women.
    But they all voted against stopping males in female sports this week

    Did you look closely at them? Are you sure they were really woman and not just identifying? Some pretty ugly old broads out there.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Full draw wrote:</div>
    Here is a head scratcher for you.
    The democrat women in Congress wore pink last night to support women.
    But they all voted against stopping males in female sports this week

    Did you look closely at them? Are you sure they were really woman and not just identifying? Some pretty ugly old broads out there.

    You could be onto something. One of them was Pelosi.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    I found this statement this morning and it sums things up well.

    “The entire world is currently staving off total economic collapse entirely through some kind of unspoken agreement to stick their fingers in their ears, hold their breath, and deny its looming threat while screaming, “NA UHHHHHHH!” over and over.

    Literally ANYTHING that we can do to try and soften the blow for ourselves and strengthen our position for when it DOES happen is better than continuing on the status-quo path of “We need to CHANGE stuff!” and then never doing it. Your concern is noted.

    I mean, come on, honest question – did you HONESTLY think that there was ANY path out of our current trajectory that did not come with the following conditions:
    – Severe austerity.
    – MASSIVE reduction in government services.
    – Doubling of rates and tightening in lending requirements.
    – Decrease in wages combined with a reduction in the money supply
    – Reduced standard of living
    If so, then you have been absolutely misled or are intentionally ignorant. ”

    BTW the behavior of the dems last night was deplorable.

    Posts: 607

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    . On top of that we just learned today our work health insurance premiums are going up 34%! I’m NOT willing to sacrifice for some pompous ass’s named Trump and Musk.

    How is your 34% jump in Obamacare coverage Trump and Musk’s fault exactly? A lot of the issues you raise are significant and I agree they need to be dealt with, but you seem to have a lot of misplaced anger not directed at the cause of the problems.

    You should too or did you forget the last go around with Trump he said he was going to fix Obamacare….. I mean “it’s a disaster…..” his exact words.

    Let’s just see how this whole experiment pans out.

    Posts: 1822

    Oooh we got people saying austerity measures on here. But it’s not austerity if you aren’t using the money to pay off the bills. National deficit increased by 350 billion first quarter 2025 over first quarter 2024.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    Now with the House and Senate, the Reps should easily pick up seats in 2 years, he can actually address the healthcare crisis. Between that and RFJ Jr. working to clean up our food supply chains and additives, so we can “naturally” be healthier, maybe we see some real progress in that area. Who wouldn’t want that, besides big pharma and those paid for by them ?

    As far as spending…I think it is wise to stop spending money on tarps, buckets and mops, but rather spend the money to repair the roof… it might cost more today, but in the long run your way ahead when you don’t have to rebuild a totally rotted home.

    1st quarter ? It’s March 5th ?

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    You should too or did you forget the last go around with Trump he said he was going to fix Obamacare….. I mean “it’s a disaster…..” his exact words.

    That was 4 years ago, surely you don’t blame that for a 34% increase now right? Healthcare has been debated endlessly, including on here, but objectively it has gotten significantly more expensive since the ACA (Obamacare) passed. I hope Trump does do a few common sense things that would help Healthcare a ton, like eliminating in-network BS, opening up all plans to the public, and removing the uninsurable from the market and moving them to Medicaid. Going against Big Pharma, the Medical Industry and Health Insurance companies in DC maybe more difficult than going against the Military Industrial Complex. But seems like he’s going to at least try and do both, which is FAR more than anyone else has even feigned attempting in my 42 years.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    How soon we forget the infamous thumbs down vote from John McCain when republicans tried to repeal Obamacare during Trumps 1st term.
    But yeah let’s keep blaming Trump.

    Posts: 1801

    I’m not talking scare tactics, I’m talking about what I see when I’m out with my kids. I’m mo extremist and neither are half the people you look at from your high horse. We are just fed up with that and we support our kids and wives. There are a couple of you guys who seem to have every political answer and are just superior, it’s comical

    I’m not on any high horse nor am I talking down to any one or claiming my view is the absolute smartest. But my points are pretty straight forward common sense. Until you point out you know a girl who rooms with a tranny and it’s no issue. But you blatantly ignore the 100s of cases where it’s a major issue. Hard to say that stuff is non sense when it’s literally what your entire party tried to rally behind to get their votes. It’s absolutely disgusting

    1. All I did was share the direct experience of myself and my family members on this issue. I didn’t say I was the smartest or l that anyone else was not smart. When another poster (Jeremy) basically said anyone who didn’t agree with his stance is an idiot, and when you and cpt musky claim your take is “common sense” it implies the contrary opinion lacks common sense and is… unintelligent. I’m not taking the bait and getting into a disrespectful tit for tat here, but for you to claim you’re taking the high road is pretty rich here.

    2. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who has shared a personal experience with their interaction with a trans person. You talk about 100s of cases of traumatizing behavior but cite no personal experience. Cptn musky repeated some headlines about sporting events that were pulled from god knows where. Maybe true, maybe not. If it’s so rampant I’d think someone here would be some kind of first-hand experience to share? I know one thing, sporting events should not be the concern of the POTUS, period.

    3. You paint with a broad brush when you claim “my party” focused on just this one issue. I told you it was a non-issue for me and didn’t factor into my vote, and I meant it. You wanna put every person who voted for Harris in one monolithic bucket, which is no more true for them than it for people who voted for Trump. if that’s what you think was the central/only plank of the democratic platform this past election season you clearly didn’t take the time to read beyond a few select headlines.

    Posts: 218

    WOW, did DT get ALOT done in 6 1/2 weeks ! I think a corrupt backwards party was exposed last night

    Trump promised lower prices on day 1… prices have gone up significantly and will continue to rise as the dust settles on these tariffs. How is that winning?

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