I’m not talking scare tactics, I’m talking about what I see when I’m out with my kids. I’m mo extremist and neither are half the people you look at from your high horse. We are just fed up with that and we support our kids and wives. There are a couple of you guys who seem to have every political answer and are just superior, it’s comical
I’m not on any high horse nor am I talking down to any one or claiming my view is the absolute smartest. But my points are pretty straight forward common sense. Until you point out you know a girl who rooms with a tranny and it’s no issue. But you blatantly ignore the 100s of cases where it’s a major issue. Hard to say that stuff is non sense when it’s literally what your entire party tried to rally behind to get their votes. It’s absolutely disgusting
1. All I did was share the direct experience of myself and my family members on this issue. I didn’t say I was the smartest or l that anyone else was not smart. When another poster (Jeremy) basically said anyone who didn’t agree with his stance is an idiot, and when you and cpt musky claim your take is “common sense” it implies the contrary opinion lacks common sense and is… unintelligent. I’m not taking the bait and getting into a disrespectful tit for tat here, but for you to claim you’re taking the high road is pretty rich here.
2. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who has shared a personal experience with their interaction with a trans person. You talk about 100s of cases of traumatizing behavior but cite no personal experience. Cptn musky repeated some headlines about sporting events that were pulled from god knows where. Maybe true, maybe not. If it’s so rampant I’d think someone here would be some kind of first-hand experience to share? I know one thing, sporting events should not be the concern of the POTUS, period.
3. You paint with a broad brush when you claim “my party” focused on just this one issue. I told you it was a non-issue for me and didn’t factor into my vote, and I meant it. You wanna put every person who voted for Harris in one monolithic bucket, which is no more true for them than it for people who voted for Trump. if that’s what you think was the central/only plank of the democratic platform this past election season you clearly didn’t take the time to read beyond a few select headlines.