Elysian lake or Lake Francis fishing in October

  • tiggerman_68
    Posts: 8

    Wandering if anybody had any information or a good place to get info on these lakes. Looking at going up in October and wondering which would be better to fish. Is there anything special or specific to these lakes that so far I am unaware of.


    Posts: 762

    No one seems to be fishing it. I’ve gone by twice and have yet to see a boat on the lake. They do fish from shore in the fall on the Elysian end. I haven’t fished Francis in years. I’d go to Madison Lake in Oct.

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 264

    In my opinion I would go and fish lake Tetonka.

    Tight lines!

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    Elysian can have a good bite in October. Problem is, it’s suffered a couple winterkills recently. Didn’t fish it last fall, but the fall before had pretty good luck there.
    That said, fish the points and rock piles. Cast cranks at them, or cork them.

    Francis is kind of a tougher one for eyes. It has its days and I have done well out there in the past. It’s hit or miss though. Here you’re looking at a couple nice points, wind on em, cast cranks to em. Also jigging/live bait rigging the east and north part of the main lake can be good.

    As has been mentioned, Tetonka is generally a pretty good fall bite. Water temp near 48-52 its prime. Use your graph, lots of classic walleye structure that holds them. If the water temp is up higher, cast cranks to rocks or remaining weeds.

    Posts: 21

    Does anyone fish Losco creek (running out of Elysian Lake) in the springtime for walleyes?

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Bringing this back from the dead! Has anyone fished Elysian in the past 5 years? I am really intrigued by this lake since it’s good sized and within an hour or so drive.
    I am looking for a shallow lake that I can pull live bait rigs or maybe troll small cranks for crappies since there seems to be a decent chance at some there.
    It seems like the lakes in this region are guarded like fort knox! Does anyone know if there has been a winterkill in recent years? Just looking for any info bad or good.

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